@harry_james_pot said:
No need to take the test, ISFP here.
@toast_burner said:
@GazaAli said:
My personality is way too expansive and intricate to be accommodated for by a measly personality test.
This. I don't understand how anyone can think that their personality can be summarized in 4 simple letters
Maybe because nobody thinks their personality can be summarized in 4 letters? It doesn't work like that, Just because it's represented as such doesn't mean that's the whole thing. If you actually bother to do some research you'll find that those 16 types can be pretty accurate.
Think of it like game genres.. There are so many sub-genres and each game is unique in its own way, but you can call Borderlands 2 an FPS and be correct even though there's much more to the game than just shooting. This is the same thing. Of course it won't tell you the details of someone's personality, but it can give you a pretty good idea of how they are like.
Frankly I could go either with regards to the validity of these tests. Meaning, I can agree with you that at least some of these tests are, and I quote, "pretty accurate", in which case they would be capable of capturing the psychological structure and attributes of the personalities of the vast majority of the population with substantial accuracy. But just as the case with the entire sphere of social sciences, whatever metrics, tools, models...etc social scientists devise, they will always fail to capture, let alone explain, anomalies and outliers in the population. This is all to say that my initial statement doesn't collide with the claimed validity and accuracy and scientific basis of these personality tests.
With all of that said, it still feels overly simplistic and too crude to try and quantify a well-endowed and carefully reared personality with an extensive set of experiences and whose higher faculties have been properly and systematically cultivated over the years. Sounds quite futile and even infantile to me.
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