Wow. 1 for and 31 against. Isnt affirmative action generally supported by Democrats and Liberals? I thought gamespot was thriving with them. Even chessmaster is against it. Holy Crap.
Heh, so now I'm the one GS users think of when they think "liberals"? I can live with that :P.
Interestingly enough, I don't oppose affirmative action because I think it's unfair, although I do not think it exactly fair. I oppose it because I think it to be a very poor "solution" to a much larger education problem, and, in my humble opinion, it is hindering us from actually addressing the larger problem. Affirmative action only aids a very small minority of minority students to attend better colleges. It does not aid minority students who do not graduate from high school to begin with. It does not help underperforming non-minority students. It does not attempt to actually increase the overall quality of education for students across the country, many of whom are receiving inadequate educations in underperforming school districts. Instead, it merely helps a small group of minority students to get into better colleges.
Affirmative action may be unfair, but that is not the main issue. The main issue that it serves as an absolutely horrible method of actually combatting the larger education crisis.
Well you are :P But its cool.
As far as a solution for educational problems I see what you are saying. The thing is, Affirmative Action isnt just about education, its for the workplace too, especially where I work. In fact, openly opposing it will get you fired.
When I talk about affirmative action, it is always in the context of education. I wasn't aware that the term "affirmative action" had meaning in the workplace (not to say I wasn't aware of the concept of affirmative action-type policies in the workplace, I just wasn't aware they were labeled as affirmative action). My main problems with education-type affirmative action do not apply in the workplace, although I still would oppose it, since I don't like the idea of discrimination of any type in the workplace.
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