Knowing everything in the entire universe is completely impossible. It's unknowable how much data there is in the entire universe. I think you doubt how large the universe actually is. They can't even really understand beyond neutrinos and quantum mechanics and that's still up for debate. Those will lead to other questions and those to other questions. It's very egocentric as a human race to believe we can solve ALL mysteries of the universe and know EVERYTHING, no matter how long we have. I know humans and humanity have limitations and that's just a fact.
Uh, actually I think I have a decent understanding of the scale of our see-able universe, considering I'm an Astrophysics undergrad student right now, and the size of the universe is completely irrelevant. We aren't talking about how long it would take, but rather if time is not an issue, is it acheivable. You're assertions that "knowing everything in the entire universe is completely impossible" is completely and utterly unsupported, and you should know better. How do you KNOW that? Ironically, simply making the claim that knowing everything is impossible IS unknowable at this point.
Again, just because we (and you) don't understand something now, doesn't mean we won't be able to, that's an argument from ignorance you're making. How is egocentric to say that given enough time, its acheievable? You haven't been able to point out where an unpassable limit would be, so time is the only obstacle.
What's up with your second bold? You know humans and humanity have limitations and thats JUST A FACT? Are you kidding me? You have no way of knowing this, it is again, a completely unsupported claim based on your ignorace that because you can't possible concieve of a way it couldn't happen--therefore it could never happen. It doesn't follow at all.
Ok, for your first assertion that my claim that not knowing everything is impossible is unsupported, you may be right in the fact that I cannot state some citation somewhere in an actual journal or book. However, can you honestly say that humanity will know how everything possibly possible or actual in the entire universe works? Also, this includes knowing every fact and bit of data in the entire universe also siince we're speaking of knowing everything possible.
Secondly, answers always lead to further questions. Do you think that at some point that there will never be another question as if once you get to a certain point, there will be a sign declaring humanity the winner and streamers will fall from the sky and music will play and we'll be rewarded that we know every single thing there is to know in the entire universe and beyond. I find that to be a scary thought actually, IF it were too happen because then we would stagnate.
Thirdly, we do have limitations. There are things that humans cannot do and that's just a fact. There are many examples beyond just not knowing things such as physical things like flying. Can a human fly without the use of a device or genetic modification. That is a fact.
I think you just have a problem with things being infinite because you cannot wrap your finite mind around them. And finite is a limitation. I'm not calling you unintelligent, just that you have limitations. This means that no human can wrap their minds around infinity. So we rationalize things so that they can be put in perspectives that we can understand.
Another thing is you say that what I stated was ironic, but what you're saying is akin to making humans God-like which is ironic according to this post and what most atheists believe in relation to God. They believe mostly in just a scientific explanation and to say that science will make us know everything is being God-like and that is ironic.
Unless you can see or go to the opposite end of the universe, posing that there is an end or opposite side, you cannot postulate that everything that is knowable within our known universe so that is somewhat relevant. Just like people used to think that the earth was flat and some still do and that the sun rotated the earth, things are being discovered. So yes, we are making progress, but that also means that you cannot make the assumption that if things are this way here, they are the same there. There is just too much data in the universe to assume you can know it all even in another million years.
Oh goodness.
Sunfyre, I'm sorry, but your entire argument is an argument from ignorance, the only thing you're saying here is that because we currently don't know something, and you can't concieve of a way it could ever be known, it is therefore unknowable. This is an argument from ignorance.
"Thirdly, we do have limitations. There are things that humans cannot do and that's just a fact. There are many examples beyond just not knowing things such as physical things like flying. Can a human fly without the use of a device or genetic modification. That is a fact."
What the hell are you talking about, when did the conversation become humans gaining the capability to do everything? We're talking about knowledge here, stay on topic.
Again, I asked you in the last post, and you haven't answered, so I'll ask you again:
You have not pointed out an obstacle in the progression of knowledge that is absolutely unpassable. The only thing you're saying is that you can't possible imagine our knowledge progressing that far which again an argument from ignorance, just because you can't figure it out, doesn't mean it isn't possible.
You've only asserted that there is an infinite amount of things to know, infinite mean un-ending. Do you have anything to back up that there is an infinite (un ending) amount of knowledge or things to be known?
As you showed in your first post, and in this one, you don't. That's only your conclusion based on our current state of knoweldge which means nothing. If you have nothing to back up your assertion that there is an infinite amount of knowledge to be gained then you're just treding water here. Not to be redundant, but your and humanitys lack of current knowledge does NOT show that there is a limit. Please enlighten the board and tell us what that limit is? There isn't one, you've yet to point any limit out other than "I can't possible imagine we could ever become that smart, therefore we cant". That doesn't work, sorry.
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