Where do you stand on economics? Are you more conservative or liberal?
What I believe:
Tax cuts stimulate the economy.
Which is lovely in theory, but in reality, people having an extra two hundred bucks does not matter, and if they have more taxes, they will probably have to spend less. This view really encourages inflation, if you look at it that way.
Tax cuts encourage business expansion and job openings because of a company's savings.
Sure. But I think most corporations make enough. They're busy enough and good enough at getting profits for the rest of us to not have to worry about it.
Tax cuts help the middle class. More money in people's accounts means more money being spent, which helps companies and thus means better job security for employees.
OK. So have no government. After all, what's better to provide things like education and healthcare (which should strictly and principally be nonprofit) than the private sector? The government?! Obviously not, just look at Europe, Canada, or Cuba. Fascists.
Lower taxes actually increase government revenue. More jobs mean more people paying taxes.
No. They don't.
The minimum wage should be moderate. If it's designated too high, there will be less jobs available because of business expenses.
Interesting. Tax cuts should give people more money, tax cuts should give more money to businesses so that they can give this to the people, but for some reason, we should not require businesses to give people more money. Interesting.
Competition raises the minimum wage and keeps product prices in check.
Uh, no, labor unions raise the minimum wage. If it were up to businesses, there would be absolutely no minimum wage. OH NO PRICES ARE TOO HIGH...WHERE THE HELL IS ALL THIS MONEY GOING?! Oh yeah. Me.
Competition drives the market. Not the government.
Yeah, obviously. But you can't just have businesses doing whatever the hell they please because at the end of the day, they do what is best for them, only them, and not for everyone else. What's so terrible about businesses is that they do not have the innate sense of morality that individuals do and thus are utterly incapable of genuine altruism.
So, I'm a capitalist and I strongly believe in free enterprise.
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