Surely you would have had to have been the country to form an opinion, ignoring obvoius war torn counties or north Korea were the government would probably imprision you for a made up crime and send you home in a coma
I'd say Egypt, streets literally have rubble and shit everywere(by shit I mean mixture of animal / human feeces, dead cats etc.
The people are assholes who aggressively try to sell you stuff from there shitty shop that is the same as the shop next door.
You can't even take a go the toliet on most places without having to pay someone, they often take the toilet rolls away and charge you for some.
The police are scum there too, armed with aks appear friendly offer to take your picture then demand money, like you can say no ?
Horrible place made even worse by recent civil unrest and little to no security in airports inviting terrorism acts.
Horrible place
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