When I use the term your agenda, I'm saying that you're twisting the definition of the word malicious to fit the argument you're making in this thread.
And it's easy to see why:
If the accusations of racism are out of malice, there can be no rational basis to change the seal since the accusers don't aren't genuinely misunderstanding. They are making a willful effort not to understand the seal(this, I would argue, is less likely than genuine misunderstanding).
If the accusations of racism are not out of malice (which is far more likely), it is clear that the seal causes misunderstanding (and if you'd put a little a distance between yourself and your anger about this issue, you'd likely see why) and thus it wouldn't be a horrible idea to change it. That doesn't mean that they have to change it or should change it. It just means that there can be a rational argument for changing it.
This is not a matter of disagreement or agreement. Malice has a clear definition. Unless you can prove that people are interpreting the seal as racist because they wish to harm the town, it is not malice.
And I don't see how you can argue that changing your description of the accusers to reckless doesn't change much. There is a huge gulf between recklessness and malice.
If the claims are racism are out of ignorance, there's no rational claim to change the seal. That's literally saying unfounded and un-informed emotional responses are more important than facts. That's the bottom line. Accusing something/someone of racism (or any hurtful claim) out of ignorance or without knowledge is at best reckless, and at worst malicious. You want to mince words the end result is the same...un-informed people making harmful claims against another party unjustly and without care.
By the way, you can see it in action yourself browsing the comments on the news sites...even when other posted the relevant information of the seal people still called it racists. It's willful ignorance.
If that's something you feel like defending, as rational, and as worthy of consideration (ie personally changing the seal out of uninformed misinterpretation) so be it. That's really at the heart of the discussion. There's nothing rational about the knee-jerk and ignorant claims of racism, and the people who are making the claims (recklessly, maliciously, or ignorantly) do not deserve consideration. Educated, yes, it's a nice teaching moment for sure.
Anyways I personally would rather not see this type of ignorance placated, that's the bottom line for me.
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