@CommandoAgent: So who's your pick?
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the next president should be
1) an atheist
2) has a high interest in supporting science and cutting edge scientific research. We gotta spark up those rocket engines again with better engine designs /build better telescopes to see even further into space, Research DNA and the origin of life a whole lot more and get some new innovative technologies going to spark a revolution. I suspect cutting edge DNA research will have huge impact in the future
3) Knows how to grow the economy
All of these criteria will never be selected by the american people because they are stupid
you gotta start by electing people like that to congress before they can realistically be elected as president.
TOPIC: dennis kucinich or rocky anderson. i know they realistically could not be voted in, but w/e
Hillary Clinton, without a doubt, because the Republicans lost their collective mind a long time ago. We need an intelligent, rational president, and the Republicans have no one who meets that criteria.
Either her or Elizabeth Warren.
Warren's from Massachusetts though, and candidates from that state haven't done so well in recent presidential elections.
Hillary Clinton, without a doubt, because the Republicans lost their collective mind a long time ago. We need an intelligent, rational president, and the Republicans have no one who meets that criteria.
Either her or Elizabeth Warren.
Warren's from Massachusetts though, and candidates from that state haven't done so well in recent presidential elections.
I think that has less to do with the state and more with the levels of assholery of said candidates, but okay.
Hillary Clinton, without a doubt, because the Republicans lost their collective mind a long time ago. We need an intelligent, rational president, and the Republicans have no one who meets that criteria.
Either her or Elizabeth Warren.
Warren's from Massachusetts though, and candidates from that state haven't done so well in recent presidential elections.
I think that has less to do with the state and more with the levels of assholery of said candidates, but okay.
Ditto. Two candidates is hardly indicative of a trend.
Sad thing is most all presidents are puppets, but if had the chance to see a real leader stand up for the people, it will be Ron Paul, and its sad how the media never gives him no attention in the spotlight even being top runner in the race./debates and got a feeling we will never see that in this lifetime.
Hillary Clinton, without a doubt, because the Republicans lost their collective mind a long time ago. We need an intelligent, rational president, and the Republicans have no one who meets that criteria.
Either her or Elizabeth Warren.
Warren's from Massachusetts though, and candidates from that state haven't done so well in recent presidential elections.
I think that has less to do with the state and more with the levels of assholery of said candidates, but okay.
Ditto. Two candidates is hardly indicative of a trend.
Actually I had three in mind: Romney, Kerry and Dukakis. I think Ted Kennedy also tried to run as well, but he didn't run in the general election.
It may have something to do with the state. Massachusetts is more liberal than most states and therefore a lot of their candidates are not viable in many other states. I think part of the reason Dukakis lost by so much was that he was seen as too liberal, perhaps Kerry as well to a lesser extent. And many conservatives also seemed to distrust Romney, and I think the Republican turnout in 2012 was lower than in 2008.
Hillary Clinton, without a doubt, because the Republicans lost their collective mind a long time ago. We need an intelligent, rational president, and the Republicans have no one who meets that criteria.
Either her or Elizabeth Warren.
Warren's from Massachusetts though, and candidates from that state haven't done so well in recent presidential elections.
I think that has less to do with the state and more with the levels of assholery of said candidates, but okay.
Ditto. Two candidates is hardly indicative of a trend.
Actually I had three in mind: Romney, Kerry and Dukakis. I think Ted Kennedy also tried to run as well, but he didn't run in the general election.
It may have something to do with the state. Massachusetts is more liberal than most states and therefore a lot of their candidates are not viable in many other states. I think part of the reason Dukakis lost by so much was that he was seen as too liberal, perhaps Kerry as well to a lesser extent. And many conservatives also seemed to distrust Romney, and I think the Republican turnout in 2012 was lower than in 2008.
And Chicago isn't liberal?????
I would like Gary Johnson to win but it won't happen unless you runs as a Republican and the Republican Party somehow becomes more libertarian. But realistically I would like to see Chris Christie or Jon Huntsman run for the 2016 GOP candidacy. I have no opinion on who should run for the Democrats in 2016.
As of right now I have no realistic ideal candidate. I may vote for Rand Paul to become the Republican nomination, but I'm not sure that I would vote for him for president.
For those of you saying Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren - I hope you like corporate shills as your leaders, because both of these women have records that just scream "i am owned by the corporations." Stop falling for the same losers over and over again. If you must vote for someone who loves big government and socialism, then at least vote for one who has integrity, Dennis Kucinich.
Same goes for Republicans. Cruz? Ryan? "Read my lips, I like small government!"
I'll probably end up voting for a third party.
Hopefully not a Libertarian (joke third-party candidates), Social Conservative, or another fake Liberal that isn't actually Liberal.
George Washington, because he was not a party player and even dead he has more scruples than everyone currently in DC combined.
George Washington, because he was not a party player and even dead he has more scruples than everyone currently in DC combined.
He wasn't born in the United States thus he is ineligible. Also, no.
I want that fat republican guy. He looks like he has SWAG, and I vote based on who has the most SWAG cuz we know everything politicians say is just BS to get voted.
@leviathan91: you sir are dumber than a 10 pound bag of stupid.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,
or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,
or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,
or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,
or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,
f*cking idiot.
I want that fat republican guy. He looks like he has SWAG, and I vote based on who has the most SWAG cuz we know everything politicians say is just BS to get voted.
@leviathan91: you sir are dumber than a 10 pound bag of stupid.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,
or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,
or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,
or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,
or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,
f*cking idiot.
So? He still wasn't born in 'murica. Also, I wouldn't trust a man with wooden teeth. Also, again no.
Hiliary can't be president she's too ugly.
I rather have Sarah Palin; at least she'll be entertaining, and somewhat attractive ( for a politician).
George Washington, because he was not a party player and even dead he has more scruples than everyone currently in DC combined.
lol dude owned slaves. Slavery ftw? nah
Can't tell if serious. :P
Sarah Palin would be a legitimate candidate if it weren't for the fact that she became corrupted during the 2008 election. Seriously she was a great governor who actually did a lot for her state and people.
@Braun_Roid_Rage: he grew hemp and distilled his own rum, by your 'logic' being against him is being against hemp and liquor, as well as dentures, marriage, sex, ect.
it is funny, i only come back to GS when i forget how stupid the arguments here are, then when i get here it only takes a moment to recall why i stopped coming by in the first place.
@Braun_Roid_Rage: he grew hemp and distilled his own rum, by your 'logic' being against him is being against hemp and liquor, as well as dentures, marriage, sex, ect.
it is funny, i only come back to GS when i forget how stupid the arguments here are, then when i get here it only takes a moment to recall why i stopped coming by in the first place.
haha this guy. Nope have no problem with liquor, medical bud or the others, which are pretty small things in comparison to slavery dipshit.
@Braun_Roid_Rage: he grew hemp and distilled his own rum, by your 'logic' being against him is being against hemp and liquor, as well as dentures, marriage, sex, ect.
it is funny, i only come back to GS when i forget how stupid the arguments here are, then when i get here it only takes a moment to recall why i stopped coming by in the first place.
haha this guy. Nope have no problem with liquor, medical bud or the others, which are pretty small things in comparison to slavery dipshit.
I heard he wanted to end slavery. I'm not voting for him anymore!
Also, I don't like the Constitution. It's giving too much power to King Washington. Down with the Constitution! Reinstate the Articles of Confederation! Down with the Tyrant King Washington! Down with the Whiskey Tax!
Can't tell if serious. :P
Sarah Palin would be a legitimate candidate if it weren't for the fact that she became corrupted during the 2008 election. Seriously she was a great governor who actually did a lot for her state and people.
Totally serious. We can't have an unattractive female leader; think of what it'll do to America's image.
Thailand has the world beat.
Can't tell if serious. :P
Sarah Palin would be a legitimate candidate if it weren't for the fact that she became corrupted during the 2008 election. Seriously she was a great governor who actually did a lot for her state and people.
Totally serious. We can't have an unattractive female leader; think of what it'll do to America's image.
Thailand has the world beat.
If we went to war against Thailand, we would lose. She is drop-dead gorgeous!
George Washington, because he was not a party player and even dead he has more scruples than everyone currently in DC combined.
Hillary Clinton, without a doubt, because the Republicans lost their collective mind a long time ago. We need an intelligent, rational president, and the Republicans have no one who meets that criteria.
To be honest both political parties are pretty much the same now.
Except that one completely lost it's mind to the point that it threatened to default on the country's debt.
They're really not the same, and claiming as such is little more than a cop out.
When other countries stop buying the dollar for their products, then the country will be in the same position as if it defaulted. It doesn't matter at that point which party would be in the WH. I prefer a Democrat so I can tell the gullible it's the leaders of our country's fault the country is where it is.
@Braun_Roid_Rage: not at all, but you are one of those idiots who imposes today's culture on the past. slavery was the norm back then dumbass, so in your theory every person who grew up before the computer age was filth right? tell me oh great dumbass, how will a dead person impose anything? yes having no president would be far more beneficial than any currently living politician, but you must have missed that point with your dumbass eyes and inability to get simple concepts of time.
also read a f*cking history book, learn about what you speak, before shooting baseless sh!t all over the boards.
@Braun_Roid_Rage: not at all, but you are one of those idiots who imposes today's culture on the past. slavery was the norm back then dumbass, so in your theory every person who grew up before the computer age was filth right? tell me oh great dumbass, how will a dead person impose anything? yes having no president would be far more beneficial than any currently living politician, but you must have missed that point with your dumbass eyes and inability to get simple concepts of time.
also read a f*cking history book, learn about what you speak, before shooting baseless sh!t all over the boards.
lmao you're stupid as **** man. Slavery was accepted then haha, you don't say? I was just responding to you saying George would be a good present day president. Yea no shit slaves were the norm, but that doesn't work out so well present day dipshit. Was he a good president for his time though? Hell yeah he was. Haha you fail guy.
Hillary Clinton, without a doubt, because the Republicans lost their collective mind a long time ago. We need an intelligent, rational president, and the Republicans have no one who meets that criteria.
Oh Hillary Clinton? the same Hillary that lied about Benghazi and Syria? And lol, some of the choices on here on whom you want to be the next president to be.
herman cain?
Jeb Bush? please enough of the same idiots whom arent going to be any different, if you want to Jeb Bush then expect more wars in the middle east.
Wait what? What exactly was lied about with Benghazi?
George Washington, not a mass murderer, obama&bush mass murderers who believe in empire. assuming george washington would advocate reinstalling slavery that would require a constitutional convention, that would not happen. so again retards fear the impossible evils for real world continuing evils.
i have never once feared the moon falling to earth, why? because it is an impossibility, i know this because i am educated, i know this because i know the moon will eventually leave earth's space, i know this because of math and science and because i do not give into impossible fears.
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