The government spending too much does not drive an economy into the ground. After the recession, interest rates will have to go up to combat inflation and, yes, taxes will have to be raised, but the levels they were at pre-Obama were unsustainable in the first place. The government will never be able to consistently post surpluses with taxes as low as they were during the Bush Administration. In general, your post is overly-simplistic and assumes much about when and how Obama will pay off the deficits he is posting.
(as a side-note, it's amazing how the deficit hawks come out of the woodwork during Obama Administration, but never said a peep about the record deficits every president since Reagan (besides Clinton, he got lucky and was president during a big bubble) has been posting).
Everyone criticized Bush on spending too much. I would much rather a trillion dollars be spent on national defense than healthcare change.
I never stated that Bush didn't spend too much. I do realize that these tax cuts did a lot of harm. Unfortunately, it's not one person's fault. Spending needs to stop in order for our economy to recover. Taxing will not make it better when people are already strapped for cash. Simplistic, yes. False? No.
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