Okay, please just leave, we don't like people trying to convert us into vegetarians or vegans. You're annoying as hell. And besides, humans are on top of the food chain anyways, let's try to keep it that way shall we?
As opposed to being a hypocrite? If you want to spread the word on proper animal treatment, then don't support PETA or fanatical groups like ALF, they just cause trouble and make real animal activists look like idiots. Same thing goes for living the Vegan lifestyle.
I'll support who I want. I'll eat what I want. Don't be jerk to this kid. He's right.
I'd say he deserves it for this alone
HAHAHAHAH YES YOU CALLED ME N00B THATS **** FUNNYER THEN pwnt HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOBODY **** WITH BILL900 HS FROM **** ALASKA AND HES A RAD RACER AT LEVEL 12 OR SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehhexpain101x
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