LOL everyone hates the US. Must I repeat that the USSR CONQUERED eastern europe, established puppet govs for its protection, attempted to prop up a puppet gov in Afganhistan, etc.? Communist gurellas (although not directly a soviet extension) were active everywhere from South America to Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa. The US, by definition of imperialism, has taken the Philippines, Puerto Rico, some Pacific Islands (Midway, Guam, American Samoa), and Cuba for a 20 year period (virtually) till the rejection of the Platt Amendment in 1933 under the "Good Neighbor"Policy
The Cold War, although the US suppported some nasty dictator (wrong in itself) was hardly imperialistic, only interventionist. Hell, when France proved rebellious in the West's solidarity, the US did nothing to stop it. Hell if I was president, & I was facing the worse threat in human history (USSR) and one of my "allies," were criticisting my efforts, I'd get pissed. Still, little happened. To make a long story short, if there is one thing the US has failed at, its imperialism. Sure, we conquered North America (the states) from the Indians & the few Mexicans living their, but the fact is, we are lousy imperialist by definition. USSR was far more successful: for 50 years, till 1991.
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