No I am not on drugs..what kind of assumption is that crap? I have my own interests in TV.
dude you are 20 years old.. ( give or take 1 year) your not in college yet but youve been outa HS for 2 years? thats sad #1 , sad #2 is that you still like disney channel, its made for 10-14/15 year old kids. i mean .. the most that happens on any of those shows is that someone gets a peck on the cheek. its time to grow up dude, watch the N .. lol.. even tho thats for like 16 year olds.. seriously.. get a life, grow up, act your age and watch programs for your own age group. are you telling me no one in real life has ever laughed when you say you like hannah montana or that you watch disney channel?You seem to get kicks off being a major jerk.
yup, thats who i am on these forums, i like ruffling a few feathers, but that dosnt mean i'm a jerk, no one gets noticed by being nice and agreeing all the time, so i try to start interesting conversations. but in your case.. your truely a sad person, someone whom i pitty, im guessing you like the 15/16 year old girls on disney channel because you didnt have a relationship in highschool. your 20 bro, probly close to 21, go out to clubs, to to coffee shops, talk to girls your own age instead of doing god knows what while watching the poor preteen girls on disney channel.
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