[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]Much of the attitude has to do with the United States imperialist policies, to which Great Britian has been apologizing for years when they were a empire.. Furthermore men like George Bush Jr. and Bolton (correct spelling?) who he put in UN chain rubbed them the wrong way.. The whole your either with us or against us rhetoric, the pompus attitude, of sign of arrogance to which there can be no room for criticism rubbed people the wrong way.. Not to mention many Europeans are extremely critical of the whole situation with Palestine/Israel.
I guess this is what I don't understand the most, the 'America is an Empire' ideology. We toss our weight around when it benefits our people, but there has yet to be a country that hasn't and I doubt the first that does would last very long.This is the 21st century.. When Great Britain was "tossing" their weight around it was during a time when racism government policy, and the things like the Geneva Convention never existed..
We're prosperous, that doesn't make us evil.
.. Never use good or evil in political talk when it comes to policy.. And I know its hard to believe but the majority of people could really care less with how "awesome" we are, or how "free" we are.
We favor one group over another because philosophically and politically they are more like us,
So that means its ok to capture or kill people who we dislike in the Middle East for the past 60 years, or install and support brutal dictators in power.. To purposely hold back certain regions in the world to have better control of it?
that again doesn't make us evil.
Where did I say evil? Never so stop using it.
We protect our investments overseas; if we didn't then why would we bother to invest? People would just say we were hording the wealth.
More like purposely controling wealth by putting brutal dictators in power..
We're neither police nor bulli
we're just a nation that happens to be good at what it does and that's how we got to where we are today.
We got there for a multitude of reasons, not just from the United States being great.. Your oversimplication isn't surprising..
I'm damn proud to be an American,
Explain why your proud? Did you create, lobby or write some key part of the Constiuttion.. Did you fight in its independence.. Did you have Anything remotely close to having anything to do with the country outside of just being lucky enough of being born in it and getting a job?
I wouldn't want to be anything else, and if my country comes off as pompous to the masses then many European nations should know that each has their own distinct persona that can become quite irritating. From French rudeness to German loudness to British incoherency; they all cast an insipid shadow or not one at all.
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