Or...They are produced with more materials and are at a higher quality than other products. Also, if they are advertised a lot, they are going to be expensive...
Well, because the government's outlawed all those fun narcotics and that means that your local dealer can charge you whatever you want, unless you go straight to where the stuff's produced and buy it in bulk.
but cigeretters are produced with the WORST ingrediants, and they can't even advertise them anymore. i'm broke!!!RiSkyBiZ-13
A lot of crap goes into a cigarette though, and they are made with expensive products...And the cigarette companies are trying new ideas since they are so rich. Anyone seen that "whtdafx" commercial? Tobacco companies said that they would close down if they accpeted that smoking causes cancer. They wrote on their site, smoking causing cancer, yet they still stand.
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