Umm...No. Only Bonobo chimps use sex as a recreation and to blow off steam.
Wrong, most species have sex for fun.
Or are you suggesting that all animals are self aware and are family planning lol :D
Nope! Most species, including many primates, which humans are part of, are only in "heat" for a specific length of time. This is usually driven by release of hormones. How it's done is still a mystery to many scientists since its very specific in time. And once it happens, the animal's insticts compells them to litterally sometimes drop all else to get it on (read salmons). So, in normal times, most animals can't be even be bothered to bother each other. See tigers and other solitary animals. In fact, many of these animals, once the procration is done, just leave eachother (the father) and the mother DARE not bring them to their father least they kill the kids! (yes, even if the kids are theirs). The kids rearing are all done by the females.
Bonobos are the only animals other than humans who uses sex for recreation and fun! Yes, some other animals may use some form of sex, but like I said, in case of dolphins, that's more to prevent the males from murdering the kids. Lions will sometimes lick female breasts and parts, but that's more to test to see if the female is in heat so does not count. Bonobos......Trust me! Go to youtube and see a few videos of them in action! A male need steam to blow? He just walk over to the nearest female and get it on. Female is fully aware why and complies by spreading her parts. Female gets down because of kids rearing? Walks over to the nearest male and get it on. These guys sometimes, for no particular reasons, just start farking just for farking sakes! Even us humans doesn't do that! Kids born? Great! Another target to get it on! Scientists are still trying to figure out why they do it, even if it's a good way to avoid conflict and keep the social fabric intact, but the question is the AMOUNT! These bad boys will make love, not war at the slightest provocation and drop of hat! It's just weird!
Thanks for the wall O text. but you are wrong. Mammals have orgasms, why would mammals have orgasms if hormones were all that were needed?
Orgasms make sex fun.
Humans are just a species on apes, trying to make our reasoning different from animals especially other primates is very limited thinking.
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