Ok I am not sure if it's the ones that live around me (In New Jersey)
but all this Facebook drama on who looks cuter...
and all this he say she say he say she say...
but lemme tell you the story
UPDATE (sorry guys I was in a rush but let me explain more clearly in a few its quick n simple)
two girls (shalease and Taylor) got into an argument about who is the prettiest..
one girl (taylor got jasmin) for one of her friends to back her up...
Same thing (Shalease got nicole) for the other...
They argued and argued...
One of the girls got one of their girls to say (Nicole got shalease to say to jasmin)
that's why she's a stalker on how I hit it and quit it and she desired for more lol....
I loved it at first, (I lol'd :P) but than again I noticed it ruined my so called hit n quit desires and it screws everything up...
I was just a little piece of the plan that really worked and had Shalease and Nicole win their argument which looked bad on my half
for the part they had to use my name to shut things down (my name shuts or starts lol jk)
......Nicole begged me and begged me to tag shalease picture and say she was way better than taylor..
I refused and told her that was stupid and lame to be apart of their argument for no reason.. If I am not having sex with shalease, why would I do
such a stupid thing ? (mind you shalease is pretty much a whore....Well if you ask me all of them are :P except for nicole... kinda even tho she is my bestfriend I dnt believe her when she tells me she's only had sex once recently lol) so Nicole gets mad at me and says whatever, bye, duces...
All I had to say was
man shut up.. U didnt even buy me my birthday gift you **** (slang as in lie) that you were (she was supposed to get me Read Dead Redemption)
and than later on after I get home she decides to txt me and play it off saying wassup and posted on my wall saying she loves her bestfriend...
*Sigh* women :roll:
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