I hate the smell of some perfumes but you don't see me trying to call for a ban on them. You learn to deal since people have free will. You are free to walk away from the smoker in most casestestfactor888
Can't really think of a case that someone would be "free to walk away," unless you're trying to imply that smokers only take up the "unimportant" areas. Unfortunately, they don't. Smokers DO affect the lives of non-smokers in unaviodable manners (outdoor "events", outdoor "lines", parking lots, the cluster right outside the restarant door such that the smoke flows inside everytime someone comes in... or in more crowded cities, those who smoke while they walk and they have to occupy YOUR crosswalk.
everything around you has dangerous chemicals... The happy meal is targeted at young people to get them addicted and fat, caffeine is addictive and targeted at the same age group as cigarettes... You can also overdoes on Caffeine and die... you can't really overdoes on cigarettes (or at least it would be really hard)...W1ckedGo0se
(Ignore wikipedia and the subsequent "Wikipedia is god" sites. Nicotine is nicotine, an overdose is an overdose. Simply because you take drugs in a different manner does not remove the possibility of an overdose).
You do realize that the quote was about how there was nothing positive about cigarettes and you're trying to argue that the negatives aren't that bad... and that other products also have negative aspects... without arguing once about the existince of positives.
Cigarettes are beneficial in a way that they ease stress and relax people.Smoking is pretty much advertised nowhere anymore, and people have the freedom whether or not to. There are a lot of substances that hurt us, but they should not be illegal. As a free man I should be able to abuse my body with what I please, as long as I am finding more reward than risk I will use.KlownMaster
Televised / Radio Advertising of Cigarettes is illegal. I do not believe that it is illegal to advertise it in books or magazines.
However, the "Tobacco Industry" is DIFFERENT than the brand names associated with it. Like the "Milk industry" (Got Milk), "Beef Industry" (It's what's for dinner), etc. The point is that an "industry" is about the "image" of the product... and so long as the cowboy still smokes, the action hero still asks for a light, the girl crushes it under her heel... well, that's advertisment.
I doubt it's as absurd as "Thank You for Smoking" but the point remains that these archetypes remain with us even in an age that frowns upon smoking... and because of this it creates the "social concept" of a ciggarette, which thus leads to desire and then to addiction.
Also, that "relief" you experience is called ADDICTION. You get addicted, and you feel "relieved" after you satisfy your need for more nicotine. Of course, when people start smoking to relieve stress they simply increase the quantity of nicotine in their system (meaning they smoke more than normal) thus increasing dependency (really confusing stuff here :p) leading to them being more stressed until they get their "nicotine fix" (Then of course you get the body "adjusting" to the dosage leading to higher dosages and more addictive behaviour)
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