Well it goes like this.
When I was 10, my friend got me a poke ball. It had that little tiny toy mudkip inside and I thought it was great. It really got me into the universe of Pokemon. It got me into the games and shows. I carried it around everywhere. Even to this day as it's a great remembrance of my friend that left my country.
Well today, I decided to clean the garage. It was a boring day and I might aswell do something productive right? So I got the gloves, went downstairs into the garage and started moving the boxes. It was very dusty and damp. After and hour and a half of hard working, I decided to grab a soft drink.
After being bitten by spiders and a few roaches, I knew that there were more "things' down there. Even with these thoughts I continued to move the boxes.
That when I saw it.
I saw something scamper across the bench. Curious, I walked to it, moved the bench and tried find it. And there it was, a Rattata.
I was shocked. A real Pokemon!
Without thought, I pulled out my poke ball and sent out my mudkip. My mudkip was small but it was just as big as the Rat. I commanded my mudkip to tackle. My poke ball bounced on the ground, cracked and my mudkip was sent through the air. It hit thebounced againand hit the rat right on the head. The rat was knocked out cold.
This was my chance. Qickly, I picked up my poke ball and threw it at the rat. Nothing happened. Threw it again. Still nothing. After many throws i just shoved the rat inside the ball and closed the lid.
Any way, I was just wondering why the ball didn't absorb the rat in red light and suck it inside the ball.
And a picks of my new found friend.
Rattata from the shows.
Actual real life Rattata? Conspiracy?
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