[QUOTE="deeliman"] What does it matter that the are American inventions? If you wanna play it like that then get of your pc because that was invented by a Scot, or do you really secretly wish you were Scottish by your own logic?Zaibach
first off, no one person can claim to have invented the computer. many inventors contributed to its history since the sumericans around 2500 BC. second, the first practical electronic machine that could be considered a computer was the atanasoff-berry computer invented in 1942 by john v. atanasoff and clifford berr--both americans
third, the things I mentioned in the OP are social contructs and have lifestyles attatched to them that were uniquely american when they were created. its not simply an inanimate object like a pc. they are things that were adopted and could be imitated within their society as a lifestyle choice.
most of the things you've mentioned have nothing to do with cultural shifts, its all about about money. Cohersion through intensive marketing (I mean Billions and billions).
almost all the things you mentioned are being pushed by corps wantng to expand their market share
Why do Brits want to be Americans? We don't and its precisely because of this ethnocentric jingoism that youre at the centre of the universe of the universe that puts us off.
we don't want to be Americans, if you knew anything about Brits you would realize that all these 'Americanisms' is us making fun of you (most of the time) and you dont really know it.
Movies, Tv shows, hip hop, - Money, simple as. The UK has a succesful Film and TV industry, sure its not as bombastic and lucrative as the US, but who is?
cheerleaders? been to many a football mathces, I have yet see one. I dont know any lass who wants to dance around in her underwear on a waterlogged pitch at Stoke FC on a cold January night.
halloween customes? really? we've been dressing up since the 1600s in balls.
Pageants? Are you freaking kidding me? we invented pageants its like you've never read a Jane Austen novel, have seen our Jubillees? or the Royal Wedding? Pageantry is something we do better than most.
As for Rock and Roll, I'll have you know that in the 60, 70s the UK pioneered rock and roll and invented the punk movement.
I think Aamerica is an amazing and blessed country, you have it all, literally. and there is some truth that many countries and cultures want to emulate you, let's face it America (U.S) has been a superpower for the majority of its existence and its still very young.
The thing is, the UK is much older and set in its ways. You think we'll ever see a black Prime minister? NO! its a rigid grey place. Why it has an immigration problem, I'll never know.
We could have a black PM soon.. Adam Afriye with the Conservatives or Chuka Umanna with Labour.
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