[QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="Philx3"]they grow back ... Troll? it's skin. it grows back. i knew a guy that surfed and he wiped out once and scraped a nipple off on some coral. it grew back.I cut mine off and keep them in a jar
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[QUOTE="-eddy-"][QUOTE="worthyofnote"] There are some uses that mainly cater to the purposes of pleasure. Other than that, they are pretty useless.With pleasure as a feature, there is no "other than that, pretty useless", they are of great importance! *shakes fist-finger in the air*worthyofnote
]Well, my nipples haven't gotten any action but I'm looking foward to the future with bright optimistic eyes!:lol: You're dirty. Have any plans later?-eddy-
Men can breast feed too I think... :o horgen123
that reminds me of a family guy episode. god that was so wrong in many ways.
Men can breast feed too I think... :o horgen123This is true. Men can breastfeed. Male babies excrete fluid from their nipples at birth, so it was always suspected. But a few years ago, it was proven. A man breastfed his baby, and he actually grew huge boobs :o
During early stages of fetal development, we gain female traits first, then grow the male parts if we should go down that path.revoscloudYou're into something. The x cromosome actually stops the fetus from developing into a female.
For the lulz; I'll refrain from any of the moderatable answers I was tempted to give.xaosLame, I was expecting more from the Foreskin Fairy.
Men can breast feed too I think... :o horgen123Yes they can or at least.....one guy can (saw a vid of him doing it).
Men can lactate too.dann14vIt's rather creepy tho... when men lactate.. I saw a..well.. fat dude on the bus one day, I dunno if it was sweat or he sprang a leak, but he had little wet circles around where his nipples were supposed to be... I got sligthly scared..
[QUOTE="dann14v"]Men can lactate too.DeihjanIt's rather creepy tho... when men lactate.. I saw a..well.. fat dude on the bus one day, I dunno if it was sweat or he sprang a leak, but he had little wet circles around where his nipples were supposed to be... I got sligthly scared.. Shoulda asked to taste it. I wonder if that would be like whole milk or 2%.
[QUOTE="Deihjan"][QUOTE="dann14v"]Men can lactate too.guynamedbillyIt's rather creepy tho... when men lactate.. I saw a..well.. fat dude on the bus one day, I dunno if it was sweat or he sprang a leak, but he had little wet circles around where his nipples were supposed to be... I got sligthly scared.. Shoulda asked to taste it. I wonder if that would be like whole milk or 2%. eeeeeeeew nooo! One thing is that I'm gonna breastfeed a child in the future, but tasting an obese mans nipple, just to see if its milk or sweat x.x xD Disgustiing!
Shoulda asked to taste it. I wonder if that would be like whole milk or 2%.guynamedbillyhuman breast milk starts at 5-8% fat, but this climbs the longer the woman keeps breast feeding her child. If doing it for a year, it can go up to nearly 20%.
[QUOTE="guynamedbilly"]Shoulda asked to taste it. I wonder if that would be like whole milk or 2%.ChiliDragonhuman breast milk starts at 5-8% fat, but this climbs the longer the woman keeps breast feeding her child. If doing it for a year, it can go up to nearly 20%. That would be very disappointing if you went for a fat man's nipple expecting heavy cream and then only getting 5%. ugh, even I can't go on joking about that.
because men would look stupid with nothing there. seriously I like my nipples.Seriously why?
Women have their reasons but I see none for men.
[QUOTE="chAzN93"]i dont have nipples....what are you talkign about?-eddy-You should tattoo a pair. Make them little smiley faces :)
Haha, I'd like to see that :)
[QUOTE="courtneyygee"]that..that sounds wrong....So I can play with them, tweak them and rub them to my highest desire =D
I have a nipple fetish, it's not my fault =( Only on guys though.
So I can play with them, tweak them and rub them to my highest desire =D
that..that sounds wrong....I have a nipple fetish, it's not my fault =( Only on guys though.
so your most favorite part of a guy is their nipples....and that is the thing that gets your boat rowing...thats new. How u found that out....Please Log In to post.
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