indoctrination since birth is the easiest and most obvious answer. You cant blame them, really, and it explains how religion and political beliefs are passed down from generation to generation with pretty much 99% continuity.
Not generalizing, but based on real life observations:
-If youre _______, generally you seek a _________ mate. Naturally, your offspring will be _________.
-If youre not ________, generally you will seek a more open-minded mate, but might settle for a ________ one out of frustration. Chances are, given how sacred _________ is to your mate and in-laws, you will concede to them and allow your offspring to be ________ as well.
-If youre lucky enough to find a mate that is open-minded and does not believe in ________ , at least not literally or unconditionally, then hooray for you! Chances are your offspring will be fortunate enough to be raised in a household that entertains the ideas of multiple _______ , but does not enforce any of them, and they grow up to be dirty filthy hedonistic heathens bastards
(just insert any belief or -ism or -ology or whatever into _________ that people will blindly follow and kill and murder and condemn you for)
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