I'm 24 and have played games since i was 8, and i was born in 1988 and i dont want this to come off wrong at all, I love gaming and i love headshots but i've noticed how influenced we all are by our surroundings and local humdrum propoganda of our countries, national pride how to behave people who to idolise and hate, we get this information from someware and mostly the people take this information as fact without question.
I havent watched tv for 2 years becuase when i do i litterarly get angry at how many adverts there is and the local news is heavly biased towards there views and mostly advertisers and i feel like i'm beign constantly lied to for example if you look this up a man called rupert murdoch mostly owns all the british news papers and owns american news publications and fox news, it has recently came out that this man blackmailed tonyblair to go to war otehrwise he was goign to slate him on all his news publications (online video here if interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjrBD8LBpXw ) stuff like this makes me realise how much we dont know. I admit this has all came from me studying psychology and a person called Edward Bernay, who pretty much made the modern scary world we have now in the extent of everyday propganda but now i'm even questioning things I enjoy, like gaming i noticed i'm heavily in to war games and i enjoy killing people and i love how realistic its getting there is something seriously wrong with that stres reliver or not i want this to get realistic thats pretty **** up in my opinion my early influences from a yougn age glorrified guns and action i loved thee mediams as a child, robocop and termiantor was my heros, it just annoys me how influenced i am i'm starting to think there is no such thign as free will since i really didnt choose anything i was just influenced by enviroment
I'M NOT READING ALL THIS **** ABOVE! then at least read the bottom
out of the answers below give a score from 0 to 5 on each why you think you play these games Lowest being not at all 5 being certainly
i've always watched action movies -
Its stress relief -
because of anger issues -
because of work -
because of money -
I like guns -
from movies-
from early age
from family -
I enjoy the competition -
how competitive are you? (0 being lowest) -
do you get a rush winning? -
do you get stressed loosing?-
do you win in life - are you satisfied? (0 being lowest)-
do you enjoy the killing aspect in games?-
do you want this to become more realistic? -
is ther a limit on how far you will go even in a simualtion? yes or no
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