They never go to the bathroom alone. You could be having a nice conversation with a lady and her friend will say "let's go" or something like that, and off they trot, in pairs or more, to the bathroom. Why? Is it part of a secret ritual that excludes anyone with a Y-chromosome? Is it something hotter and more sinister? Discuss.
1) How many times have you been talking to a woman, and then seen her do that? I don't care if you kept a log, just throw out a number. The number doesn't have to be accurate, I'm not gonna do any fact-checking to make sure that your number is right. Just throw out a number. 1 time, 100 times, 1000 times, I don't care. You can completely make things up and pull those numbers out of thin air, that doesn't matter for the purposes of this discussion.
2) When those women came back and started talking to you again, did you ever ask THEM why they went to the restroom in groups? How many times did you actually ASK THEM? Again, I don't need accuracy or independently verifiable data. Just throw a number out there. In the cases in which you've seen this thing happen, HOW MANY TIMES have you actually ASKED the women in question why they did it?
1) About 5 times in conversation. Countless other times when I haven't been speaking to them.
2) I asked twice. The response was incoherent at best. Mostly giggling.
So let me get this straight...on FIVE separate occasions, you've been in converasation with women, and seen them go into the restroom together. On a whopping TWO occasions, you actually asked the women why they went into the restroom as a group.
That's only 40% out of a total sample size of FIVE.
Total number of times in which you DID ask? TWO.
And yet, that's enough for you to state that "they never go to the bathroom alone?"
BS on that, because I see women walk into the bathroom alone all the ****ing time. Even if you eliminate the instances in which they do go to the bathroom in groups just to make you think that they are scheming against you, they're still gonna have to do their business. And...do you SERIOUSLY think that women generally are afraid to take a **** alone? If you're willing to admit that women actually poop, are you SERIOUSLY telling me that all women somehow won't spray diarhea all over the seats without being accompanied by one of her friends?
I mean...men can be pretty vulgar and stuff. I once knew a few dudes who were obsessed with balls, and obsessed with ****. And they'd do stuff like...they'd hear that you're about to go on a date at 7 PM, then they'd either take a picture of their balls, or take a picture of the giant **** that they just dropped. Then they'd tape that picture to your door. So that when your date shows up, the first thing she sees is either balls or a giant ****ing turd.
But that's almost always in retrospect. Most of those guys would drop a load and then take a picture of it afterwards, but they dont' usually want another dude with a camera hanging around while they're taking a ****. Do YOU like people hanging around while you're dropping a load? Does ANYONE like that? Does your girlfriend like other women hanging around talking to her while taking a dump? Most of the PEOPLE I know, man or woman, they like to do their **** in private and don't like to have a bunch of their friends hanging around hearing drops and farts and "Oh my God, WTF is THAT?!"
So..as long as we recognize that women actually do have some nasty **** coming out of them, then I think that we can probably agree that sometimes they DO like to go to the bathroom alone.
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