ive asked some females the reasons are normally i dont know i find it dumb and im forced to do it or security. neither one of these make much sense. security....what is every chick that goes to pee going to get raped by the womens bathroom boogeyman? and the its dumb im forced to do it well gets me nowhere because saying no is apparently not an option do girls have social hour in there? heck when i worked at a grocery store our front bathroom is one person yet the womens front bathroom often had 3 people in it for minutes at a time. yet men dont do that in fact we very much ah your busy ill get back to you. its silence in a mens bathroom you do your business and get out so is there something about the female bathroom that i dont understand? im curious but i never get a straight answer
The few women's bathrooms I've been in were always very well kept and smelled nice.
lies....the womens bathroom where i worked was ALWAYS 100x worse. always without fail. poop on the wall cotton balls everywhere and a trashcan that im not sure who they killed and buried but it was always worse. always.
Am I the only guy who goes to the bathroom with my bros?
They never go to the bathroom alone. You could be having a nice conversation with a lady and her friend will say "let's go" or something like that, and off they trot, in pairs or more, to the bathroom. Why? Is it part of a secret ritual that excludes anyone with a Y-chromosome? Is it something hotter and more sinister? Discuss.
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