part of it is conviction, and part of it is simply experience from life.
I was raised to take the long-term view of things. Past your own life. What will you leave behind?
For instance, growing up i got excellence in religious classes, as well as in my mathmatics classes.
When i was getting close to college i loved and wanted to do two things. Teach history and social sciences to high schoolers or go learn how to be an Engineer. I chose engineering. Had the option to go do a Master's (of which i'm graduating this Saturday) and opted to do it in Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety. I still voraciously read history books and stay mindful of bias in it.
Right now i'm looking for work around the world and sent about 5 PhD applications around the US for PhD programs ranging from Public Health, Material Sciences, and Industrial Engineering.
The reason? have choices. Why? because it's not just about your pleasure, it's about preparing a foundation to support your children.
You may think "how dull. How droll. How boring. How cruel" but i think of it as a sort of investment, becasue at least for me. I want a family one day, you plan that now not right when you have one.
Ultimately i believe in building something useful to people, and enjoy my life for however long it may be. I wanna keep traveling the world, and meeting new people. My physical concious existence is pretty much more or less capped at 100 years and i've currently spent a quarter of it. enjoy yourself but be mindful of your responsilbities.
God and religion is there, and is a part of me still, and i still suspect that i'll die believing in some sort of diety. and yes, i cannot help sometimes feeling insulted by other peoples words sometimes. With that said though, it's not the only thing that makes me - me. and i have grown very tired and a thicker skin to the insults that can be thrown at me. At this point i've pretty much heard it all, and i've taken the stance of not even bothering to argue with them. Only time i ever seem to be stirred to speak up is when someone decides to turn their insults into justification to harm me/fellow believers or want to inhibit my ability to practice my religion.
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