Simply having "nuclear power plant" in a post on their boards elicits no negative reaction…but, any attempt WHATSOEVER to discuss ANYTHING about nuclear power plants in real life earns the post author an IMMEDIATE permaban. Call me stupid, but, I don't understand what the Hell their problem is. Since WHEN is discussing something like that politically incorrect or judged to be abusive or inflammatory?
See, I used to live in West Germany during the Vietnam War, and my town had a nuclear power plant. There is NO mistaking the architecture of such a power plant; you see it, you know what it is. Anyhow, after the disaster at Chernobyl, Pripyat, et cetera, the area was rendered uninhabitable for twenty thousand years. It was horrible. Germany decided to shut down all their nuclear power plants by 2022. Most of them are now decommissioned, and Germany and its neighbors are safer for it…but…the power plant in my town did not appear on the list of decommissioned or soon-to-be-decommissioned power plants!
I asked an innocent question regarding this…and immediately received a permaban on "all Steam Discussions." No explanation, simply "violation of Steam Community terms of service."
Now, I have several questions, questions I felt NO need to ask before this absurd thing happened. In which country are the Steam Community servers headquartered? Why would that country have such a FASCIST and TOTALITARIAN reaction to such an innocent question? And, how stupid ARE they? Do they not realize that responding in this fashion will raise more eyebrows than the action which prompted it, that their "punishment" will actually FOCUS attention on the matter that they wish to "go away?"
Anyone see the movie, "China Syndrome?" What the bloody Hell's going on here?
The lat time I checked, nuclear power plants were A) relatively safe, and B) not a sociologically-sensitive issue. It's not like I'm asking why my local library no longer carries "Little Black Sambo."
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