I am sorry but no.. There were not hundreds of thousands of Jews there, and no the partition plan wasn't even suggested until the late 1920s to 1930s.. The Balfour declarationby the British wasn't even created until like 1919 and then it was EXTREMELY VAGUE.The 19th century began with the Zionist movement began with Herzle that actually originally wanted it to be within Kenya.. Furthermore the Jews within Palestine resented the new Jewish immigrants for two reasons, they increased Muslim unrestand they were excluded largely from the zionist movement because most did not want any part in it. And yet again stop trying to suggest that ancestors lived there thousands of year ago gives some legitimate reason to forcibly remove people from lands or other such absurd thing.
What are you talking about?? I'm talking about the UN partition plan of 1947 with the point being that the Jews weren't reallocated. What you're saying is actually supporting my point since when the actual concrete plan was put forward hundreds of thousands(yes hundreds of thousands) Jews were already living there.
No Herzl didn't originally want it to be within Kenya. That make no sense whatsoever. The Uganda plan was an idea thought upon by the Brittish as a RESPONSE to Zionism which was an idea that was CREATED by Theodor Herlz. So no this later idea was not the original thought. Herzl did however accept it on a TEMPORARY basis.
Now I don't see how this is relevant in any way, but is there any way that you can prove this very subective claim? I've met decendants of such Jews and they were definitely Zionists.
When did I suggest such a thing? Wow it's really useless having any sort of discussion of you if you're going to attack a strawman in every post.
Oh and btw I'm still waiting for proof that clusterbombs were used on Beirut.
Then you mean the 20th century, not the 19th century.. And yes he did, look it up it can be easily found.. http://www.jweekly.com/article/full/6438/in-quest-for-jewish-homeland-herzl-once-considered-uganda/.. It is useless if you can't even get your centuries correct, you said the 19th century.. That would be the 1800s.. Furthermore the UN partitions were hardly something ever considerd just or fair as a compromise.. To even suggest that this was one sided is ridiculous.. It would be great people could ge tthrough their heads that neither side is some how just or the victims.. Both sides have their vices.. Until people can get this through their heads we will never see any REAL solution to the war going on in there.
No I did mean the 19th century. You just don't have any idea what we were talking about or what you are talking aout apparently... "In the 19th century waves of immigration started and when the partition plan was proposed[about 100 years later]..."
Uh that article doesn't support what you said in any way. You said "Herzle that actually originally wanted it to be within Kenya". Where in the article does it says this. In fact it says
"Herzl wrote that the Jews' future homeland could be anywhere the Jewish people wanted it to be -- but he preferred it to be in the historic Land of Israel".
"There, he declared that while the Zionist movement was committed to settling in Eretz Yisrael, it would consider plans to alleviate the plight of Jews in any method possible. He later explained to reporters that he was specifically referring to Cyprus and the Sinai Peninsula."
"When Chamberlain, in an April 1903 meeting, first raised the possibility of Jewish settlement in British East Africa -- in an area that is today part of Kenya -- Herzl rejected it."
"He managed to convince the Zionist Greater Council in Vienna in 1904 of the sincerity of his intentions to establish a Jewish state in Eretz Yisrael."
But now how in any way is this relevant to my original post? It seems you just want to score points by bringing up irrelevant issues. Points you fail to score when even your own source contradicts you.
I didn't get the centuries wrong. Immigration DID start in the 19th century and the un Partition plan was the year 1947. Try to follow ok?
Of course it wasn't just and far. The Jews got a worthless dessert and some coast. The arabs got lush areas incorporating most of the historically and religiously important areas and surrounding Jerusalem (Jewish majority city).
We will see a real solution when the Palestinian political leaders want a solution. Simple as that. This could've been solved before it even started.
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