Well, what rules are we going by, god's rules? Christian god or Jewish god, because it makes a difference here. Christian god, killing is acceptable in certain circumstances if you want to take the Bible as absolute truth. Jewish god, killing is wrong, period, that is if you go only by what is written in law and not by contradictions of people killing at the behest of god.
If we're going by natural and social laws, war is agreed upon in modern times. Even in the event of invasion, the other side agrees in the act of resisting. Killing in war is not ideal or desired by most people, but it is seen as necessary. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Also, by these standards killing is justified by some societies in certain situations.
EDIT: As an afterthought, I don't think killing in war is ever said to be amore acceptableform of killing in the Bible, although there are certainly instances where that is implied. The vast majority of justifcations for killings by religious texts have either to do with perceived self-defense or for a so-called holy cause.
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