Prostitution is illegal in many places because it legtimizes a practice that often involves very dangerous work conditions for women, exploitation, abuse and rape. Though legalization would solve a lot of those problems, people still have trouble with accepting it as a legitimate profession when it puts workers in such positions.
I still dont buy it. People accept not banning alcohol for the sake of choice, despite the fact so many people die from accidents caused by it. With more voices asking for legalisation of marijuana and social rights for gay marriage, why is prostitution being ignored?
In modern times, where the religious social conservative voices weakening its hold on morality, why havent such an old profession that generates billions of dollars not decriminalized and lifted from the dark and dangerous black market?
Perhaps if a major economic and population power like the US were to make it legal, the corner pimps would be driven off and in its place a bright young entrepreneur would transform the sex trade into a mass market service, ubiquitous as getting a haircut.
Imagine, choosing from dozens of providers, that promises quality and safety, all for a low price. Demand would be huge!
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