If Darwins Theory was true then why are there so many different species? Why do we have so many different cells? Why do we have mutated Cells? WHere did RNA come from? Why do people all look different? Why doesn't everyone have the same exact DNA? Why are there different blood types?
Answer all of these in context please, with reference sources.
1. Evolution concerns the mutation of DNA within a gene. There are 4 different possible base in the human, and almost every other animal that exists, DNA. Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine. Each of these base corresponds to another complimentary base that forms a pair. Therefore there are 4 possibilities. When the genetic code is copied often mistakes can occur. This is what causes such things as cancer. The majority of the time, however, the mutation is neutral in that it won't have any effect on the cell function. Sometimes however a mutation occurs where that mutated sequence will be carrie donto the offspring. Sickle Cell Anemia is one example of this as are instances of eye color, hair color, etc.. throughout the world. Sometimes however a mutation occurs that is beneficial to the organism such as the Italian Wall Lizards. Italian Wall Lizards, Darwin's finches and moths, etc... Each of these creatures fit into their own little ecological niche. And as that ecological niche changes those creatures mutate, through the beneficial mutations described, and adapt to their ecological niche. Over time that creature will adapt so much it will look and be vastly different than the creature it originiated from because it's ecological niche has changed so much and the creature has adapted to it slowly.
2. I don't even know what you are trying to ask here. We have so many cells because it makes us what we are. I is our genome so long compared to genomes of other animals, or, how does a DNA sequence copy itself, or mutate, in a way where more base/pairs are within the genome. This is because, as explained above, when the DNA polymerase copies the genetic code to form a new cell often times mistakes can occur. This is how genetic mutation happens. Those mistakes can be anything from a simple base/pair change to the change of an entire sequence of base/pairs to even the doubling of base/pairs within the code.
3. I explained this above.
4. RNA is long thought to have been similar to the original organic material. All RNA is, and DNA, is a combination of simple sugars and other minerals.
5. People look different because their DNA differs. This is because you got half of your genes from your mom and half from yoru dad. This is basic grade 5 science.
6. We don't have the same exact DNA. IF we did we would all be clones. However, if you mean why are we all human, a human can't give birth to a goat. You rmother and father both pass thewir genetic code onto you. That genetic code, when combined, can't form a flying spaghetti monster or a three toed sloth.
7. Origin of blood types: here are a few but I'm not going to go out of my way and post about them.
http://www.ehow.com/about_5547607_origin-blood-type-b.html - Origin of Blood type B
http://www.ehow.com/about_5547585_origin-blood-type.html - Origin of Blood Type A
There are over 20 different blood types known worldwide.
If you would like to get the sources of all unsourced material jjust click on the link at the bottom of my post 'Evidence for Evolution' or whatever it says.
None of these are in Context. By "In Context" I meant pertaining to your belief in Darwinism. Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the widely held notion that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers -- all related.
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