...I don't understand why most Christians believe that the Bible is perfect. I mean the new testament is just a conglomeration of the works of other Christians just like them.
I'm not trying to harp on the Bible - it's a very useful book for Christians - it's just that it seems so silly to me when people pull a quotation out of one of Paul's letters act like it has some sort of ultimate authority... it's almost like a form of idolatry. (If I had to pick a favorite Christian writer I would go with C.S. Lewis; should I start treating his works (Mere Christianity, Narnia) like some sort of religious canon?)
Of course you could insist that the Bible is the actual word of God and that he spoke directly through its authors but what basis do you really have in making this judgement? ...and even if he was speaking through these individuals I find it hard to believe that their personalities and biases wouldn't still end up finding their way the text. (I mean if you want a Biblical example look at David, Abraham and Moses - God didn't have compete control over these individuals; they made lots of mistakes.)
Honestly I'm not even sure if I would consider myself a person of faith but I think that Christians should rely more on experiencing Christ's love personally instead of modeling themselves after the writings of others. If there's any legitimacy to the notion of Christ living in us then it should be able to be experienced without reliance on a book filled with stories about dead Christians... why dwell in the past if you can experience what God is doing in the lives of Christians today?
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