And that would have been the fault of the Pakistan government since they could have turned him over.;)
IF they even knew he was there. What, every time another country is seeking someone who is in America they have the right to send military forces in and wreck havoc to find them?This isn't a perfect world buddy take a step out of your bubble and look at reality for a little bit. Your never going to understand unless you put on the uniform and go to war. Not to mention a lot of troops have died due to suicide bombers disguising themselves as civilians. I personally know a lot of guys that did a tour in Afghanistan and now suffer from some major trust issues with anyone not in a uniform including little kids.atony12
So because American soldiers get killed when they invade a foreign country that excuses the US government when they drop bombs on schools and attack civilians and cause massive civilian casualties?YOU get out of YOUR bubble. America isn't the center of the universe. Your freedoms and liberties arenb't under attack. They are intangible. A bunch of morons crashed planes into buildings and killed 2000 people. The government retaliates by invading 2 countries and 100 thoundsand people end up dead because of it. And you wonder why people hate the US? I don't care if your buddies don't trust children, you seriously wonder why the rest of the world has issues with America?
First off, Pakistan knew he was there. Lets not beat around the bush on this. Imagine the most wanted man in the world was living right in the heart of your community. You're going to sit there a tell me that no one would know? It's not "IF they even knew"; they knew.Drop bombs on schools and attack civilians? Please post some links proving that this is America's war policy in the middle east. The US does what it can to avoid civilian causalities. You're simply not being honest in and attempt to prove a point. Just because the US remembers the anniversary of the largest terrorist attack in it's history does not mean that civilian deaths in other countries are irrelevant. I am not even sure what your point is.
Foreign opinion should not drive US foreign policy. A BBC world service poll done this year showed 31% of those polled around the world had a negative view of America, a number which has been on the decline for the past couple of years. Your statement of "the rest of the world has issues with America" is simply hyperbolic fluff. O, and 2,996 people died from 9/11, not 2,000.
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