Quite frankly I wish they would just make cigs illegal. I'd rather be buying them on the black market and making the criminals rich. I'm pretty tired of paying all these taxes to my state and my fed government just to be treated as a social leper.collegeboy64Completely agree with this post but especially the bit. Too many anti-smokers whinge about them paying for our health care through taxes when in fact, not only do we pay for our own but probably a few other people as well. Imagine the money we'd have paid on tax for cigarettes in our lives... The gov could easily get rid of smoking. They could raise the tax by say 200% and no-one would be able to afford to buy them. Plus put more laws banning smoking at all in public. Couple of years time and no-one smokes. But they don't do that because it would cripple them and the health care service. Ironically the NHS probably runs off smoking taxes :lol: Oh and if everybody quit then we'd have an even worse problem of an aging population - each one of those smokers would live an extra 10 years, and need a lot of medical care in the mean time, simply for being old.
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