See, I've never really minded the motorized carts, because the way I see it, some people actually do have leg and back problems that making walking difficult, painful, or dangerous. If I see a fat person riding one, sure I could assume that he has no problems walking and is just riding it because he's fat. And if I see a thin person riding one, sure I could assume that he has no problems walking and is just lazy. But then, if fat people aren't supposed to ride them and thin people aren't supposed to ride them, then who the hell is supposed to be using those things?
Statistically speaking, would you say that the number of people using those handicap scooters/motorized carts is proportionate to the portion of the population who needs those things for valid medical reasons? Besides, some of these people may actually have medically valid reasons to ride them, but cause and effect need to be taken into account here if you catch my drift.
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