@FireEmblem_Man: I am a social democrat and i am not a bleeding gun grabbing lib.....I belive in freedom 100%
so that means freedom for ALL and not some bunch of Christian right wing zelots.....I don't care what you do in the privacy of your own home.....or if you marry who ever,,,it no skin off my nose....I stand for equal rights infact I think women should earn it and serve in combat......I don't discrimate anyone....I trash you all the same if your a bad stearotype......hipsters most of all.....to me America is about choice and freedom....you cant say we free and then deny some tranny from a bathroom.....or some gay's from there party at your bar....I think freedom is for everyone as long as you don't yell fire in a theather......I firm on guns ....I think you go down the ban road it will never end......I think we need to spend money on the people and not corp aid or silly cold war weapons for a war we never fight.......I also think we should not stand idle as scumbags sell drugs and arms and commint unspeakable acts but I also think we should not try to force our set of morals on other nations......we should act like Irishman and not try to tell everyone we are better ot they should not do that.....this is why no one bothers the irish when they travel......
but the sad part is those who claim to be conseritive are really not......they also don't surport liberty......they use it as they use the flag....ready to go to war but putting no skin in the game.
i don't suport the death penaty because it too flawed too easy to make a mistake EXCEPT for treason by military inserection....there no IF in that.....
there is no way to know allways if a man commited murder for certin and our laws say we need not be certin......but in the case you want to commit a coup there no way you be innocent in that....it a either or kinda thing so it simple really....for me the risk of a innocent man is too great and we know how flawed the system is......you need not be certin......to convict anyone.....that is the law....you need only prove beyond a reasonable doubt there was malice.....so for me life in prison is fine for murder rape kidnapping for ranson WITH NO PAROLE EVER.
I hate waste so I all for evenviroment laws that make sence...protect our country like teddy did..even slimy nixion did that....I for what Jefferson stood for and FDR and johnson and I respect the mans legacy even if he was a bastard racist.....he did more for the poor blacks of this country then kenndy ever did and the poor.
I am downsizing the military and putting for spec ops guys in.....small mobile forces to meet the needs of the 21 century....rumsfield did a great job of that......even if he was dead wrong on how to do Iraq.
not all democrats are bleeding heat libs who want to ban sodas and grab your guns.....some look at the great repubicans of the past and wonder why they stray so far......even micheal moore said it best.....I am old school republican.....I belive in the people.
for some democrats it an armband fashion cause ...whats hip whats in....looking busy....like the sit in the ban on the terror watch list gun ban.....a total pr stunt that EVEN THE UCLU DONT SURPORT...the list is way to flawed and there doing it as a gun grab stunt.
I think this is America where freedom is important and so is choice.....and it about the people and not some rand silly ideal of something made up.
I think it important we protect the rights of all our citizens and punish those in a fair way that deserve such without becoming a police state.....I think it important we be watching of those who want to impose there ideals on others and change our goverment into a nanny state or police state.
not every democrat wants to take away your rights and don't respect freedom......infact there just about as many repubicans that would love to do EXACTLY that.
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