I wrote this. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Global warming is a HUGE money maker. The go green stuff is posted on many products now making it seem as if they PROFIT from all the stuff. Companies like GE produce billions in products for the government. We need to stop looking at global warming as a problem but as a lie intended for money making. Al Gore still drives around in gas guzzlers and flies in private jets to these speeches. Many of the global warming scientists say the same thing. Research and statistics, but where's the proof. There is no way to determine how thin the ozone is and one quick change can send the society into fear. It's not warm outside. Why is this go green stuff being shoved down our throats? Why do the teachers spend so much time trying to convince us when our own parents don't make such a big deal out of it? There is no proof. You can say that there have been studies right? Show me then. I've had many debates with my classmates in many different schools and they all say studies. The reason is that they are in a sense brainwashing children into political agendas. More people believe in God than in man made global warming now. So we need to separate church and state. I googled how many people believe in global warming in the US and I came up with many different numbers. 60%, 85%, 90%, and even 10%. All around the same date. We will never run out of oil either. We may go for a period with undiscovered oil but we will never run out. You may say it takes millions of years for oil to form but what about unfinished oil? Plants and animals didn't just stop being born. Oil will be finished and because of the growing population we have nothing to worry about. Solar panels take oil to make and are very expensive. It takes years for them to pay for themselves and they break very easily. And they cannot be used all day. Less than 2/3 of the day they will be taking stuff in. Not to mention the fact it uses chemicals to produce that are not as easily found as oil. The installed cost of solar panels runs between $7 to $9 per watt, so a 5 kW system would cost on the order of $35,000-$45,000 and an 8 kW system would be anywhere from $56,000 to $72,000. The average US house costs $80,000 so the price to install solar panels that do not even power the whole house costs a little bit less than a house. Plus we would still need gas to run the rest of the house. There are around 90,000,000 houses in the US. So given that not all those are lived in it would cost 3,150,000,000,000. Over
3 quadrillion dollars. And that's the smallest amount of solar panels on a house. Biggest would be 6,480,000,000,000,000. Almost 7 quadrillion dollars. And that doesn't power the whole house, not to mention that's just the houses in America. Not to mention skyscrapers and apartments. Just think about China and Russia. Not to mention that we WOULD run out of oil if we made the world solar powered. Wind turbines and other energy efficient products take lots of oil to make. Not to mention they take a lot of land as well. Plus if the oil industry went out of business because of green jobs we would lose around 16% of our economy. The earth rotates around the sun. The sun is a big ball of gas. Of course it won't stay the same. Hundreds of thousands of jobs would be lost without oil. And in this economy we need oil.
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