Global warming is COMPLETELY a product of politics and leftist corporations. It takes pieces of scientific data out of context, connects them, and claims the world is warming because of carbon dioxide, which it is not.,1518,662092,00.html Yes, perhaps the climate is SHIFTING in some form or fashion (hence why most scientists have begun using the term "climate change" instead), but there still has never been any data to show conclusively that it is specifically warming. There is CERTAINLY no data to show conclusively that it is the fault of human beings.Communistik
I've already explained this. Again you choose not to look at all the data.first Link and second link: 1998 was an El Nino cycle. It was also the warmest El Nino cycle in recorded history. We are currently in a La Nina cycle. In your second link it even states that ocean currents are a cause, which is what causes La Nina and El Nino cycles. Let me explain how global warming works from a post I made on my own forum:
When methane(CH4), a colourless odorless gas formed by the decomposition of plant and animal matter, is burned in an engine combustion, or rapid oxidization, occurs forming carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (2H2O). The greenhouse effect occurs because some of the gases in the atmosphere, including both CO2 and water vapour, are able to absorb infrared radiation. While the energy the Earth recieves from the Sun is mostly in the short (Ultraviolet) wavelength the energy that is re-emitted by the Earth's surface back out into space is in the long (Infrared) wavelength due to the temperature of the Earth's surface. Oxygen and nitrogen, the major gases in the atmosphere, do not have the ability to absorb IR radiation. However when infrared radiation strikes a molecule such as carbon dioxide it causes the bonds to bend and vibrate, known as the absorption of IR energy, and gain kinetic energy which it transfers to other molecules. The greater the concentration of these greenhouse gases that are in the atmosphere the greater this effect will be and the warmer the planet will become.
If you take that mathane in the first sentence are place it with methonol (Which is a more potent cause of CO2) or coal (Which is still even more potent) You get more of this CO2 when the elements, when burned, go through oxidization. The combustion of fossil fuels are one of the major causes of CO2 in the atmosphere. We know that we are the main cause of CO2 released into the atmosphere. The US Geolocal survey has stated as such.
Volcanoes release more than 130 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. This colorless, odorless gas usually does not pose a direct hazard to life because it typically becomes diluted to low concentrations very quickly whether it is released continuously from the ground or during episodic eruptions. But in certain circumstances, CO2 may become concentrated at levels lethal to people and animals. Carbon dioxide gas is heavier than air and the gas can flow into in low-lying areas; breathing air with more than 30% CO2 can quickly induce unconsciousness and cause death. In volcanic or other areas where CO2 emissions occur, it is important to avoid small depressions and low areas that might be CO2 traps. The boundary between air and lethal gas can be extremely sharp; even a single step upslope may be adequate to escape death.
Human activities release more than 130 times the amount of CO2 emitted by volcanoes--the equivalent of more than 8,000 additional volcanoes like Kilauea (Kilauea emits about 3.3 million tonnes/year)!
And I have already mentioend in this thread that the Co2 content of the atmosphere has risen to over 370ppm compared to 280ppm before the industrial revolution began.
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