[QUOTE="FishPudding"][QUOTE="themajormayor"][QUOTE="FishPudding"] *FACE PALM* JFK's brother... Did you take History class? Who cares about the most boring part of history there is? That was boring? The 1968 election? He was in the JFK administration too... I mean if all else fails ****ing google his ****ing name. Do not go to a topic acting like a workaholics character... THAT MAKES ME ****ING PISSED I try to rally people to get involved in political process and vote for the right canidate. They are like WE DO NOT CARE LOOK AT US WE ARE COOL WE DONT CARE HUR I WHERE GLASSES WITH NO LENSES Not everyone is from US. take a chill kid
[QUOTE="Franklinstein"]Because it was a government conspiracy, the CIA killed JFK and RFK, but probably not RFK Jr.'s former wife. This is probably not related to the Kennedy's. The CIA seems to just hate Kennedy blood, not those who marry into it... Jackie Onassis is still alive after all.Franklinstein
R.F.K. has been dead for years though, why would they care about his wife still after all of these years? Jackie O is still alive... right?Franklinstein
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