Ok...so been there done that. My brother-in-law was basically a alcoholic and was in and out of jail since he was like 14 years old. When he was 19 or so my wife and I tried to help him a few times by having him live with us and remove his mother's influence, which frankly, is pretty bad.
We made some ground rules, sorta similar to yours:
1) No drinking alcohol/doing drugs in our home
2) While he didn't pay rent, he had to work and give X% to my wife so she could save money for him
3) Had to help with chores around the house and generally be clean
4) Had to be respectful to me and my wife as it was our home
I think your list is kinda ridiculous, especially 7, but yes, you will want ground rules. Anyways we tried this 3-4 times and every single time it went basically the same. Essentially, things start out great. He would work, be polite, follow the rules, and actually it was kind of nice having him around. Helping with the chores was also great and actually helped my wife and I out a bunch. Sure enough though, after around a month or two things would quickly go down hill.
First signs is he would start slipping on household chores and I would constantly have to ask him to help out. At first he would begrudgingly do it after a bunch of requests or just be like "ok ok ok!"...but after a while he acted resentful and it became a constant battle trying to get him to do his part.
This would start effecting other areas in his attitude...he would start making snide comments about why he has to give my wife money to save for him, or why he can't have 1 beer if he wants it. He would keep to himself and generally be really negative and bring the positivism in our home down a great deal. At some point the relationship between us becomes adversarial and it really starts to poison the relationship and even my wife, who def would cut him more slack then me, starts getting sick of his shit and lots of arguments between them ensue.
This all crescendos with him doing something utterly stupid. We did this three times when he was 19, 20, and like 22. The first time I had to kick him out I came home to him shit faced drunk tearing my house up and he lost his job. The second time he stood in my living room basically telling me he was going to kick my face in in my own house. And the third time is actually a funny story (in a twisted sort of way).
I got a call from my buddy who lived in the same neighborhood at around 3am asking if I noticed the half dozen or so police officers running around our neighborhood with flashlights and all the cop cars screaming around the street...I didn't think anything of it and figured it may have been some robber running from the cops through our neighborhood or something and went back to sleep. About 45 mins later I hear someone come in through the back door and I basically jumped up and ran out to the living room only to find my brother-in-law in hand cuffs, completely wasted and out of his mind, and telling me that I needed to get the cuffs off of him and help him hide.
I'm not sure if the police saw him enter my house but the hell if I am going to risk my family and my future and be an accessory to a crime. I told him to go in the bathroom and lay down, which he basically passed out immediately. Long story short I saw that there were 4 cop cars out front so went outside and spoke to them, and they went in and took him to jail. That was the end of the final time we allowed him to live with us.
Sounds fun, right?
Anyways not saying to not help your brother-in-law out...family is family. Just be prepared for some shitty times and be prepared to have to kick him out if necessary.
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