Alright, whether you support WikiLeaks as an organization or not, has officially been under DDOS cyber attack for the past 4 days. Somehow, through donations of supporters, the WikiLeaks site was able to overcome a 10 gigabit a second attack.
Today the site is unaccessible in the U.S. What does that tell you? Hopefully you find this as disturbing as I do...don't take my word for it though, try visiting the site yourself.
Here is the WikiLeaks officialy Twitter community page
EDIT: is back up and running!
As this report details U.S. wikileak servers were being secretly hosted by proponent of Wikileaks, After being demanded by the government to shut the service down, they did. Wikileaks is now hosting their U.S. service through European servers. If you support Wikileaks, please donate as this is costing them much more
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