[QUOTE="gamerguru100"] Well, to be fair, the US, Canada, and Australia aren't necessarily white countries since whites are not indigenous to them, so I don't care if whites are 10% of the US or whatever. But Europe, in my opinion, should preserve its native ethnic groups and cultures and prevent itself from being overrun by African and Middle Eastern immigrants.
In 100 years, China and Japan will still be Chinese and Japanese. Africa will still be African. But Europe won't be European unless birth rates go up and immigration policies get more strict. I've heard European far-right parties are gaining strength, so it's probably doubtful that Europe will become Eurabia. Too bad there are hypocrites who would call me racist for wishing Europe to stay predominantly European but would be fine with me wishing Africa and Asia staying African and Asian.
Why is it so bad if Europe isn't the same in 100 years? Culture is an ever changing thing and it's impossible to preserve it exactly as it is and, obviously, many cultures have died out over humanity's brief existence.
Is there some quality to European culture that makes it superior in your mind? What are some of your plans to slow or stop immigration?Why does the changing of skin color affect culture?
Just curious about your reasons, not saying your wrong or anything
Here in the United States, "diversity" is code word for "lots of non-whites" and "multiculturalism" means "non-white/Western cultures". People here can take pride in being black, Hispanic, or Asian, but if someone takes pride in being white, they're called racists or Nazis. There are history/heritage months celebrating black, Hispanic, and Asian cultures, yet if there was such a month for whites, you guessed it, it would be racist. People often think of whites as all racists just because of history.Yeah, Europeans dominated the world for five centuries. They only had this ability because they had the technology to do it. If Africans or Asians had European technology in the 1500s, they would have gone for world domination too. Europeans simply had the tech available that made them experts at world domination. Skin color just became an excuse to claim superiority. Humans have been invading and killing each other for thousands of years. Slavery, genocide, and invasions are human characteristics; they're not exclusive to Europeans only. Some people get orgasmic over the idea of whites becoming a minority or even extinct.
In addition, do you really think the radical Islamist Muslims in Europe will carry on European culture? Sharia law, oppression of women, and strict laws will be the norm if Europe becomes predominantly Muslim. I once saw a video from a British news source claiming that 28% of British Muslims wants the UK to become a Muslim state. Europeans are being replaced in their own homeland just because some of their ancestors pulled some dick moves. Present-day people shouldn't be punished for actions committed by their ancestors. People would be upset if the native populations of Africa or Asia were being replaced by Europeans, yet no one gives a crap that Europeans are being replaced by Africans and Middle Easterners.
I'm not expecting Europe to be 100% European, since that's unrealistic in the globalist 21st century, but I think European countries should adopt immigration policies similar to that of Japan and South Korea to protect their status as ethnic majority as well as their cultures. Whites make up only 15% of the population, and it keeps declining. I'm not a Nazi for wanting whites to remian a majority on their native continent. America, Canada, and Australia can be 10% white for all I care. It's fair if whites can remain a majority on their own continent of Europe. I'm not some white supremacist who thinks America should be all-white, and Europe can have non-European residents. I think having non-European residents of Europe would be great as long as they are productive contributors of society. It's not right when European countries have a disproportionate number of non-Western immigrants in their prisons. The thing is, if Africa stays mostly African and Asia mostly Asian, then Europe should be mostly European.
What the fvck did I just read...
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