She should write an open-letter back to that lady. Something like:
To one pissed off mother!!!!
Me and my family, including my kid have as much a right to live in this neighborhood as you do, close proximity or not. I put my kid outside because he finds it fun to be out there and because its good for kids to spend some time outdoors. What would you have me do, coop him up like Boo freakin Radley? If you dont like the noise he makes wear some damn earmuffs, its cold out here anyway. And its not my fault that my kids little noise scares your pvssy ass kids. When I feel my kid needs fresh air, I can take him out to MY yard, because its my yard. I dont have to take him to no damn park and I can give a rats furry little ass about the nature trail.
My son is a beautiful, happy boy, who brings joy to our lives, he is not a hindrance. You ask who will care for him. I say his family and many of our neighbors that have a heart care greatly for him. You ask what employer will hire him, I am sure some employer will hire him, but I doubt your lazy ass kid will ever bother to seek a job. You say no girl is going to love/marry him, but I bet some hot chick will marry him, meanwhile your kids wont get no girls cause they so damn ugly. I know I wont live forever, but if we should meet me and my fryin pan will probably live longer than you. They will take no parts of him for science, but scientists wouldnt even accept any parts from your cowardly kids (mustve taken after their momma). You ask what right I have "to do this to hard working people", I have the same rights everyone else does, and I bet you dont work hard at all, you probably sit on the couch watching Dr.Phil and eating hot pockets all day.
I aint moving, so If you dont like our family, then you can be the one to move.
"The lady living at this address".
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