Genuine Mexican food is probably some of the best; amazing combination of spices, generally requires a lot of labor (which is why you always see grandmas spending all day cooking!), rich historical heritage, and so forth. People think "Oh, tacos, burritos, and beans!" but it is so, so, so much more than that.
Conversely, I really like the Anglo-ified Indian food better than genuine Indian food. There's a really happy middle ground that some Indian restaurants find where they meet Western customers, but also pay tribute to their Indian roots by being as true to them to a point without going all the way there.
I really like French food, too; not talking the fancy stuff, but real french food; steak frites, coq au vin, foie gras, pot au feu, duck confit, beef bourguignon...oooooooh and the pastries and desserts. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but there's something about flaky pastries filled with yummy cream that just...MMMMMMMMMMMMM!
@ArchoNils2 said:
I'm a vegetarian. As such, I am very limited in regional cusines.
Cuisines I don't like are indian, the african foods they had in Mauritius (no idea what exactly it was), greek and Spain (I do like Paella though).
I cannot imagine being a vegetarian and not liking Indian food. I was vegan for like a year (just for kicks/health...actually felt pretty good!) and 60% of my diet was Indian food I cooked. Indian food is, whether by design or coincidence, like 80% vegetarian (or so it seems).
More power to you, though, for making it work.
@indzman said:
Hmmm maybe that is why...
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