Oh what a hero...i've put someone in hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg and three broken ribs. not to mention a rather bad concussion... he hit my girlfriend... :twisted:
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Oh what a hero...i've put someone in hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg and three broken ribs. not to mention a rather bad concussion... he hit my girlfriend... :twisted:
[QUOTE="CptJape"][QUOTE="gameroz"][QUOTE="CptJape"][QUOTE="gameroz"][QUOTE="CptJape"]what does your girlfriend look like so i wont have to hit on her ? i wouldnt wanna be in the hospital for what you did with that kidi've put someone in hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg and three broken ribs. not to mention a rather bad concussion... he hit my girlfriend... :twisted:
people hitting on my girlfriend kinda gets me jealous while making me damn proud of being the one who gets to take her home (i have aboslute confidence in her fedelity to me), but he actually physically hit her; you know; punched her...
so, yeah... i kinda beat him to a pulp...
whoa! he punch your girlfriend ? and you get to take her home and hit that huh ? lucky usome guys just don't know what 'no; now eff off' means... and when they then get the cold shoulder, some guys become violent... and sometimes boyfriends then also become rather violent...
it was at a party. i first took V home, took care of the bruise (ice pack and some sweet talk), tucked her in and then returned to the party in what could be the most aggressive mood i've ever been in. it's was quite funny, actually, i walked up to the guy, tapped him on the shoulder and said 'hey, if i told you that that girl you hit before was my better half and i'm about to put you in hospital what would your reaction be?'
after the fight, i returned to V's place and slept rather well actually...
did u go to jail, u should have, u must of snapped both is arms and legs purposly.
tbh i thing your story is bs
you're entitled to think that, but when someone starts attacking me with broken bottles or other sharp itmes, i incapacitate them. admittedly,m the final blow to his rib cage was not necessary, but eff it: he deserved it!!! you do NOT hit women!!!!!!
[QUOTE="SUPERheroes_DP"]IÂ cheated on my ex with both her best friends.CptJape
at the same time? ;) and did she catch you?
She found out and I've been going out with one for like 3 months now.Unfortunately no threesome.
[QUOTE="CptJape"][QUOTE="SUPERheroes_DP"]IÂ cheated on my ex with both her best friends.SUPERheroes_DP
at the same time? ;) and did she catch you?
She found out and I'm going out with one for like 3 months now.Unfortunately no threesome.
aww... well, still... score!:D
This is the only thing I can think of atm. I was young (about 12) and I was at my cousins house. It was a small party thing and there was a bouncy thing outside. I was doing flips and stuff when one of my cousins ran in from nowhere and did this weird flip onto it but his heel proper connected with an uppercut. I fell down and started crying from the pain, I yelled at him in his face and he pretended not to hear me. I went back inside to calm down away from everywhere else and went up to his room. He loved yugioh at the time and had a massive pile of cards. I went through his pile and took about 10 of his best shiny cards. I have no idea whether he noticed but I thought he deserved it for being a complete prick.
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