This isn't necessarily what someone said to me, but the worst first date over all. I've told this story a couple times. I like to retell it because sometimes I still don't believe it actually happened to me.
I was a sophomore at university at the time, and this guy was in one of my math classes. Statistics, I think. Anyway, he was good looking, tall, on the soccer team (I think?) and in good shape. He was also one of the most boring people I've ever met. He sounds like a stereotypical jock which again, makes this story seem so strange because I honestly thought people like him only existed in bad cheerleading movies. He asked me to eat with him a few times, and I'm bad at saying no and being direct so I always came up with excuses (Most of these were true, I often was too busy or was headed to another class.) One time though, he caught me on campus after a class and my next one was canceled. He asked if I wanted to take an hour to go eat at one of the places on campus and I actually had the time to do it so I said sure. For the most part, the date went exactly as I thought it would go. He was boring, saying pretty regular things and had mainstream answers to everything like how he enjoyed hanging out with friends and seeing movies. We talked about the soccer team a bit and not very much about me. About 20 minutes into it is when it finally gets interesting, but in the worst way.
A girl comes into the place, and everyone notices this because the doors are super heavy and she swung them very wide and loudly banging them. She stomped over to us and you could see she was crying, and immediately starts screaming at the guy I'm with and calling me a whore/slut etc etc. Turns out the guy had a girlfriend. So now I'm here getting cussed out because this guy is a tool and I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. This only occurs for a few seconds (felt like a lot longer) before the guy stands up and slaps her across the face. Just slaps her. Didn't say a word.
That was when I ran. Just left right there. I didn't see how it ended.
At least it was a lot less boring than I thought it was going to be.
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