[QUOTE="bogaty"][QUOTE="Jacobistheman"] Thank you. bogaty you ideas are bogas (bogus). Also what ammendments did he violate. I will admit that the government did violate the constitution with the patriot act, but bush is 1 of 525 that supported it, only 10 people voted against it. Also, Clinton lead to both of the economy collapses that we have had since bush was in office (or at least he was responsible for the governments part), also Clinton got 8 warnings about 9/11, bush only got 2. St_JimmyX
OK, quick primer for you.
Ammendment I: Freedom of speech, press, religion, and petition.
-Bush's admin set up "Free Speech" protest zones basically denying the right of free assembly. People were arrested for the slogans on their T-shirts.
-Signed the Campaign Finance Reform bill which made it illegal for non-profict groups to mention a candidate's name within 60 days of an election. Clear violation of this little bit here :"Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech."
Ammendment II: Right to keep and bear arms: Bush had National Guard and Blackwater mercenaries forcibly seize firearms from citizens in New Orleans (after he failed to heed any of the Corps of Engineer warnings about the levies).
Ammendment III: Like I said, as far as I know, this is the only one W. didn't violate. He didn't forcibly quarter soldiers in someone's home.
Ammendment IV: Rights to protection vs. unreasonable search as seizure. COINTELPRO, PAtriot Act, "Sneak and peak", warrantless wiretapping, the list of violations is pretty much endless. The FISA court was basically a rubber stamp anyway, so why the need for wiretapping with no record at all?
Ammendment V: Right to due process and right to property: Bush's regime saw secret courts, black site prisons, military tribunals, emminent domain property seizures. Seizure of money people wish to transfer overseas.
Ammendment VI: Rights to speedy trial, right of habeas corpus: Bush set up Guantanimo. No right to hear your accuser, no right to a trial, no right to hear a list of the crimes you're accused of.
Ammendment VII: Right to trial by jury: See above. Additionally, this ammendment should protect plantiffs, but under Bush, the Justice Dept just ignored any case files that they didn't like the looks of. Check out Ellen Marianni's suit against the Bush admin for more info.
Ammendment VIII: Protections against cruel and unusual punishment, excessive bail: Well, in addition to the torture (sorry "harsh interrogation") we have people like US citizen Mohammend Hussein losing his business and spending 18 months in jail for incorrectly filling out a licence application. We have the FCC selectively fining broadcasters (read "liberal" stations) millions of $ whenever a profanity is uttered. Strange they never go after the RNC talking heads when they swear on air.
Ammendment IX: Limits of governmental power: Basically, the government can't come in and just start limiting the "unalienable rights" of the people. Didn't stop Bush though. No fly lists, limitations on emmigration destinations, limitations on movement of your money.
Ammendment X: States' Rights: Let's see, Bush brought in the no child left behind policy, overturned state medicinal marijuana laws, imposed nation wide farm subsidies.
Exactly what are you trying to prove here? I've never said Bush didn't violate the Constitution. You don't seem to understand that many past administrations have done the same.Dude asked me to show which ammendments he violated. I did. As I said, Bush'll go down as the worst president to date. I truly believe the economic collapse that occured under his watch and that we are just beginning to feel the effects of will be worse than the Gread Depression. It'll be enough to bring an end to the era of American superpower status and the US will never fully recover. It'll end up as a shadow of it's former self much like the UK did after two world wars saw it go from the nation's superpower in the late 19th century to one of many middle powers today.
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