removing it now wouldn't really solve any of the major problems in the region. An agreed upon peace settlement between the Israeli's and Palestinians would be an enormous positive forward step to ending the long cold war in the region. It would give Arab states in the region one big less reason to move past wanting to wipe Israel out. I know i'm being optimistic, but i don't think i'm being unreasonable either.
I do still think though that had Israel never been formed in the 1940's, we would be living with a very different middle east. Israel for decades now has been a lightning rod for Islamists to rally around. If the modern state of Israel didn't exist in the first place, you would see Arab rivalries take front stage in the region, but i doubt it would of lasted as long. It would of also given the liberal seculars more breathing room. BECAUSE, Israel is a mostly secular state that is allied with the West (pre-eminently the USA) anything that relates to Israel is deemed evil by the Islamists, and because of the treatment of the Palestinians, the military defeats, and bruised egos deepens the hatred and inability to rise.
Gamal Abdul Nasser, Hafez Assad and other dictators in the region ruled by secular law, Pan-Arabism was a very popular ideal back in the 1940's-1967. After the 6 day war, the idea of pan-arabism and what credbility secularists, liberals, and socialists had in the region at the time.
make no mistake Islamism would still exist in some capacity, the region would still be a battleground for proxy wars between the USA and USSR for the Cold War and control of the oil flow. I just do not think you would see the skyrocket adherence to Islamism as we see it today, it'd meander along with all the other ideologies because there no lightning rod strong enough and visible enough to rally the people. I just imagine Islamism would of looked (and will look in the future) like the social conservatives, but with a bigger bent on justifying their stances from the Quran and Sunnah (mostly Sunnah, as without it you really can't have Shariah Law).
Only hope now is that the older generations pass on, new leaders rise and will take new risks to change the face of the region for the better. technology like the internet and satellite connection are still - right now - changing the region. That goes for everyone, the Arabs, Iranians, and Israeli's.
I like the idea of Pan-Arabism, even though it's basically just a dream. I am not however for Pan-Islamism, i view that more of a nightmare then a dream.
and if anyone is offended by that i'm sorry. I still maintain as well that had the House of Saud never made their allegiance with the Abdul Wahab (Wahabi, or Salafi as Saudi's refer to it) three things would of happened. Saudi Arabia would of never formed as it did, and if it did form it might very well look like the unstable secular Arab states, OR it would of looked like the Gulf states today, much like Dubai, Qatar and so on. I would of preferred the third option.
but alas that's history... and that's my take on the what if/would of/could of.
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