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It is a good idea. But even if they let you it probably won't accomplish much unless you have uber persuasive skills. It would be like me going to Pat Robertson and telling him to stop saying that all those who do not believe in the lord and savior will burn in the hellfires. SunofVichBut I am sure him and I could agree that we can leave that up for God to decide. It is not the place of man to judge another, we can only see a single side of a person. We can not look into their heart, see their intentions and such. I mean, the way I look at it is, it all comes down to two people accepting the other person has a different point of view. Even if we don't agree with their point of view, I am sure ultimately there is a way to pinpoint the differences in opinion and come to some kind of understanding of one another. Even sin() and cos() tend to agree, and both coexist quite fine.
I think that would be a little too risky. But a great idea.Nick11478Risk wouldn't play a factor into my ultimate decision, if such an opportunity was given to me. I mean, my life for possible peace? Its quite a small price, I would say. I rather do that then risk my life with a gun in hand, firing on God knows who... charlie?
[QUOTE="Nick11478"]I think that would be a little too risky. But a great idea.rimnet00Risk wouldn't play a factor into my ultimate decision, if such an opportunity was given to me. I mean, my life for possible peace? Its quite a small price, I would say. I rather do that then risk my life with a gun in hand, firing on God knows who... charlie?
[QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="Nick11478"]I think that would be a little too risky. But a great idea.xXBuffJeffXxRisk wouldn't play a factor into my ultimate decision, if such an opportunity was given to me. I mean, my life for possible peace? Its quite a small price, I would say. I rather do that then risk my life with a gun in hand, firing on God knows who... charlie?
[QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="Nick11478"]I think that would be a little too risky. But a great idea.rimnet00Risk wouldn't play a factor into my ultimate decision, if such an opportunity was given to me. I mean, my life for possible peace? Its quite a small price, I would say. I rather do that then risk my life with a gun in hand, firing on God knows who... charlie?
I should probably make it clear, that term negotiation shouldn't be taken out of context. Obviously there is negotiation already on the table: cease fire. Wouldn't that at least be a starting point towards peace? Or have we already set out minds that these people are sub-human and must be wiped off the earth? Surely some of you still believe in the good of humanity that can be found in every man?rimnet00cease fires mean nothing, it just gives the enemy a chance to resupply. Diplomacy doesnt always work this is such a case. terrorists have their minds set on a cause and we have ours set on stopping them. negotiating with terrorists just doesnt work. Frankly i believe there is is no humanity in these creatures, anyone who kills innocent men and women and our troops for the hell of it with out any regard for human life, shouldnt be called human
[QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="Nick11478"]I think that would be a little too risky. But a great idea.xXBuffJeffXxRisk wouldn't play a factor into my ultimate decision, if such an opportunity was given to me. I mean, my life for possible peace? Its quite a small price, I would say. I rather do that then risk my life with a gun in hand, firing on God knows who... charlie?
[QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="Nick11478"]I think that would be a little too risky. But a great idea.UrbanSpartan125Risk wouldn't play a factor into my ultimate decision, if such an opportunity was given to me. I mean, my life for possible peace? Its quite a small price, I would say. I rather do that then risk my life with a gun in hand, firing on God knows who... charlie?
I'm sorry, but I disagree with you completely UbranSpartan. This is the kind of mentality I feel both extreme sides of this war have, and it is the exact mentality that needs to be stopped. Call me a tree hugging liberal or whatever. Now, clearly you have your mind set, so it would be foolish of me to try to change your view. If I were to agree with you, wouldn't we have already nuked them? It would have been a lot easier to do that then risk our own lives. I think it is quite clear that our administration at least somewhat believes we can resolve this conflict. I still have some hope even after seeing our actions in that country. rimnet00Nuclear Weapons in my view, should only be used if our country is invaded and/or attacked with a nuclear weapon, otherwise they should not be used. this war is beyond any political actions in my view, from here on its has to be military until the Iraqi government and Iraqi Army are settled in and willing to cooperate. After That it should be political we will have won, in a sense we already have won, when we return home the terrorist activities should settle after a few months and we can further our diplomatic relationship with Iraq.
[QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="Nick11478"]I think that would be a little too risky. But a great idea.xXBuffJeffXxRisk wouldn't play a factor into my ultimate decision, if such an opportunity was given to me. I mean, my life for possible peace? Its quite a small price, I would say. I rather do that then risk my life with a gun in hand, firing on God knows who... charlie?
[QUOTE="rimnet00"]I'm sorry, but I disagree with you completely UbranSpartan. This is the kind of mentality I feel both extreme sides of this war have, and it is the exact mentality that needs to be stopped. Call me a tree hugging liberal or whatever. Now, clearly you have your mind set, so it would be foolish of me to try to change your view. If I were to agree with you, wouldn't we have already nuked them? It would have been a lot easier to do that then risk our own lives. I think it is quite clear that our administration at least somewhat believes we can resolve this conflict. I still have some hope even after seeing our actions in that country. UrbanSpartan125Nuclear Weapons in my view, should only be used if our country is invaded and/or attacked with a nuclear weapon, otherwise they should not be used. this war is beyond any political actions in my view, from here on its has to be military until the Iraqi government and Iraqi Army are settled in and willing to cooperate. After That it should be political we will have won, in a sense we already have won, when we return home the terrorist activities should settle after a few months and we can further our diplomatic relationship with Iraq.
Regardless of what happened in the past. I think most of this country wants to get back to its regular lives. It is actually quite frustrating that peace seems to be completely thrown off the table by some people. Both sides have lost family in this war, and I think both sides would like to stop losing even more over such an illogical sorry but people who chop off the heads of our troops and journalists should not be negotiated with. it would not be smart to volunter to go over there likely it will happen to you, you dont know how these people think it is simply inhumane
To those fellow Americans who still believe in peace:
I beg you all to consider such volunteers to be sent over enemy lines. There must be a way to end this war diplomatically. We have already lost too many trying to end the conflict with violence, so what is a few more who volenteer to risk their lives in another manner? I think we all know that war will always exist in this world; it is only our imperfections that seem to draw us to it.
Wouldn't it be worth such an effort even if it would last a year, a month, a week, or even a day?
[QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"][QUOTE="rimnet00"]I'm sorry, but I disagree with you completely UbranSpartan. This is the kind of mentality I feel both extreme sides of this war have, and it is the exact mentality that needs to be stopped. Call me a tree hugging liberal or whatever. Now, clearly you have your mind set, so it would be foolish of me to try to change your view. If I were to agree with you, wouldn't we have already nuked them? It would have been a lot easier to do that then risk our own lives. I think it is quite clear that our administration at least somewhat believes we can resolve this conflict. I still have some hope even after seeing our actions in that country. TheOT_KingNuclear Weapons in my view, should only be used if our country is invaded and/or attacked with a nuclear weapon, otherwise they should not be used. this war is beyond any political actions in my view, from here on its has to be military until the Iraqi government and Iraqi Army are settled in and willing to cooperate. After That it should be political we will have won, in a sense we already have won, when we return home the terrorist activities should settle after a few months and we can further our diplomatic relationship with Iraq.
[QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="Nick11478"]I think that would be a little too risky. But a great idea.UrbanSpartan125Risk wouldn't play a factor into my ultimate decision, if such an opportunity was given to me. I mean, my life for possible peace? Its quite a small price, I would say. I rather do that then risk my life with a gun in hand, firing on God knows who... charlie?
[QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="Nick11478"]I think that would be a little too risky. But a great idea.xXBuffJeffXxRisk wouldn't play a factor into my ultimate decision, if such an opportunity was given to me. I mean, my life for possible peace? Its quite a small price, I would say. I rather do that then risk my life with a gun in hand, firing on God knows who... charlie?
[QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="Nick11478"]I think that would be a little too risky. But a great idea.UrbanSpartan125Risk wouldn't play a factor into my ultimate decision, if such an opportunity was given to me. I mean, my life for possible peace? Its quite a small price, I would say. I rather do that then risk my life with a gun in hand, firing on God knows who... charlie?
[QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="Nick11478"]I think that would be a little too risky. But a great idea.xXBuffJeffXxRisk wouldn't play a factor into my ultimate decision, if such an opportunity was given to me. I mean, my life for possible peace? Its quite a small price, I would say. I rather do that then risk my life with a gun in hand, firing on God knows who... charlie?
UrbanSpartan, clearly I have already stated that my life is not the issue here. I have also stated that I disagree with your perspective on the human psyche. This is a proposal that we have no yet attempted. If it is something that will have both sides put down their guns, and come to a resolution, I am all for it. rimnet00more power to you, you do what you want im not going to stop you, just giving advice
[QUOTE="towel_"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"] we are making significant progress in Iraq
[QUOTE="towel_"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"] we are making significant progress in Iraq
[QUOTE="MattUD1"][QUOTE="towel_"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"] we are making significant progress in Iraq
[QUOTE="MattUD1"][QUOTE="towel_"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"] we are making significant progress in Iraq
[QUOTE="MattUD1"][QUOTE="towel_"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"] we are making significant progress in Iraq
UrbanSpartan, clearly I have already stated that my life is not the issue here. I have also stated that I disagree with your perspective on the human psyche. This is a proposal that we have not yet attempted. If it is something that will result in both sides putting down their guns, and come to a resolution, I am all for it. rimnet00
I'm sure you understand the nature of the enemy, why do you think they would want peace? .
[QUOTE="towel_"][QUOTE="MattUD1"][QUOTE="towel_"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"] we are making significant progress in Iraq
[QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"][QUOTE="towel_"][QUOTE="MattUD1"][QUOTE="towel_"][QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"] we are making significant progress in Iraq
first of all its not an airforce carrier its an Aircraft CarrierUrbanSpartan125
secondly the mission accomplished speech was taking way out of context, he never said the war was over just that the capital was secure and the Major operations were done
[QUOTE="rimnet00"]UrbanSpartan, clearly I have already stated that my life is not the issue here. I have also stated that I disagree with your perspective on the human psyche. This is a proposal that we have not yet attempted. If it is something that will result in both sides putting down their guns, and come to a resolution, I am all for it. dicpunch
I'm sure you understand the nature of the enemy, why do you think they would want peace? .
Ah, long time no see. I don't want to deviate this topic from it's original purpose. Opening up discussion to question whether the insurgents want peace would drive this discussion in a totally different direction. The fact of the matter is, such a discussion has been seen on these boards for quite some time, and I still stand by my stance that both sides ultimately want peace. Whether you agree or not is another matter. Now, I am sure that such a plan I am suggesting would however answer that question; if it were to be put in affect.[QUOTE="dicpunch"][QUOTE="rimnet00"]UrbanSpartan, clearly I have already stated that my life is not the issue here. I have also stated that I disagree with your perspective on the human psyche. This is a proposal that we have not yet attempted. If it is something that will result in both sides putting down their guns, and come to a resolution, I am all for it. rimnet00
I'm sure you understand the nature of the enemy, why do you think they would want peace? .
Ah, long time no see. I don't want to deviate this topic from it's original purpose. Opening up discussion to question whether the insurgents want peace would drive this discussion in a totally different direction. The fact of the matter is, such a discussion has been seen on these boards for quite some time, and I still stand by my stance that both sides ultimately want peace. Whether you agree or not is another matter. Now, I am sure that such a plan I am suggesting would however answer that question; if it were to be put in affect.Are we talking about peace in Iraq, with the insurgency, or peace with those who we are fighting with in the War on Terror? Just for clarification....Â
[QUOTE="dicpunch"][QUOTE="rimnet00"]UrbanSpartan, clearly I have already stated that my life is not the issue here. I have also stated that I disagree with your perspective on the human psyche. This is a proposal that we have not yet attempted. If it is something that will result in both sides putting down their guns, and come to a resolution, I am all for it. rimnet00
I'm sure you understand the nature of the enemy, why do you think they would want peace? .
Ah, long time no see. I don't want to deviate this topic from it's original purpose. Opening up discussion to question whether the insurgents want peace would drive this discussion in a totally different direction. The fact of the matter is, such a discussion has been seen on these boards for quite some time, and I still stand by my stance that both sides ultimately want peace. Whether you agree or not is another matter. Now, I am sure that such a plan I am suggesting would however answer that question; if it were to be put in affect. while i realize your will to do good, i must disagree that these people want peace. they want revenge for things we have done in the past, and the worst of them are surely beyond reasoning. you cannot reason with someone whose motives are religiously based because religion requires blind faith and therefore no proof. how could you hope to convince someone their path is wrong when they believe it without any proof and despite any other evidence. they have no reason to listen to you in their mind. even if you meant well you could not convince these people to take peace as an option[QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="dicpunch"][QUOTE="rimnet00"]UrbanSpartan, clearly I have already stated that my life is not the issue here. I have also stated that I disagree with your perspective on the human psyche. This is a proposal that we have not yet attempted. If it is something that will result in both sides putting down their guns, and come to a resolution, I am all for it. dicpunch
I'm sure you understand the nature of the enemy, why do you think they would want peace? .
Ah, long time no see. I don't want to deviate this topic from it's original purpose. Opening up discussion to question whether the insurgents want peace would drive this discussion in a totally different direction. The fact of the matter is, such a discussion has been seen on these boards for quite some time, and I still stand by my stance that both sides ultimately want peace. Whether you agree or not is another matter. Now, I am sure that such a plan I am suggesting would however answer that question; if it were to be put in affect.Are we talking about peace in Iraq, with the insurgency, or peace with those who we are fighting with in the War on Terror? Just for clarification....
We are talking about every area of Muslim vs The West conflict. Ranging from current talks with Iran to the war in Iraq. If we were to focus specifically on Iraq however, the insurgency would be the first place to start with since that is where I think that particular conflict roots itself.[QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="dicpunch"][QUOTE="rimnet00"]UrbanSpartan, clearly I have already stated that my life is not the issue here. I have also stated that I disagree with your perspective on the human psyche. This is a proposal that we have not yet attempted. If it is something that will result in both sides putting down their guns, and come to a resolution, I am all for it. cliff122316
I'm sure you understand the nature of the enemy, why do you think they would want peace? .
Ah, long time no see. I don't want to deviate this topic from it's original purpose. Opening up discussion to question whether the insurgents want peace would drive this discussion in a totally different direction. The fact of the matter is, such a discussion has been seen on these boards for quite some time, and I still stand by my stance that both sides ultimately want peace. Whether you agree or not is another matter. Now, I am sure that such a plan I am suggesting would however answer that question; if it were to be put in affect. while i realize your will to do good, i must disagree that these people want peace. they want revenge for things we have done in the past, and the worst of them are surely beyond reasoning. you cannot reason with someone whose motives are religiously based because religion requires blind faith and therefore no proof. how could you hope to convince someone their path is wrong when they believe it without any proof and despite any other evidence. they have no reason to listen to you in their mind. even if you meant well you could not convince these people to take peace as an optionI don't think they are doing this out of revenge.
[QUOTE="cliff122316"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="dicpunch"][QUOTE="rimnet00"]UrbanSpartan, clearly I have already stated that my life is not the issue here. I have also stated that I disagree with your perspective on the human psyche. This is a proposal that we have not yet attempted. If it is something that will result in both sides putting down their guns, and come to a resolution, I am all for it. dicpunch
I'm sure you understand the nature of the enemy, why do you think they would want peace? .
Ah, long time no see. I don't want to deviate this topic from it's original purpose. Opening up discussion to question whether the insurgents want peace would drive this discussion in a totally different direction. The fact of the matter is, such a discussion has been seen on these boards for quite some time, and I still stand by my stance that both sides ultimately want peace. Whether you agree or not is another matter. Now, I am sure that such a plan I am suggesting would however answer that question; if it were to be put in affect. while i realize your will to do good, i must disagree that these people want peace. they want revenge for things we have done in the past, and the worst of them are surely beyond reasoning. you cannot reason with someone whose motives are religiously based because religion requires blind faith and therefore no proof. how could you hope to convince someone their path is wrong when they believe it without any proof and despite any other evidence. they have no reason to listen to you in their mind. even if you meant well you could not convince these people to take peace as an optionI don't think they are doing this out of revenge.
why else do they hate us[QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="dicpunch"][QUOTE="rimnet00"]UrbanSpartan, clearly I have already stated that my life is not the issue here. I have also stated that I disagree with your perspective on the human psyche. This is a proposal that we have not yet attempted. If it is something that will result in both sides putting down their guns, and come to a resolution, I am all for it. cliff122316
I'm sure you understand the nature of the enemy, why do you think they would want peace? .
Ah, long time no see. I don't want to deviate this topic from it's original purpose. Opening up discussion to question whether the insurgents want peace would drive this discussion in a totally different direction. The fact of the matter is, such a discussion has been seen on these boards for quite some time, and I still stand by my stance that both sides ultimately want peace. Whether you agree or not is another matter. Now, I am sure that such a plan I am suggesting would however answer that question; if it were to be put in affect. while i realize your will to do good, i must disagree that these people want peace. they want revenge for things we have done in the past, and the worst of them are surely beyond reasoning. you cannot reason with someone whose motives are religiously based because religion requires blind faith and therefore no proof. how could you hope to convince someone their path is wrong when they believe it without any proof and despite any other evidence. they have no reason to listen to you in their mind. even if you meant well you could not convince these people to take peace as an option That is the very reason one of their own, a Muslim must be the one placing himself in the middle of the dialog, an American Muslim at that. Someone who can relate to both sides on a different level.Please Log In to post.
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