Well, look at it like this...how long will humans last? 100 years? 10,000 years? 100,000,000,000,000 years?
Doesn't matter. Because if current theories are correct, then the universe will NEVER end. It will simply keep expanding, will keep growing colder, and all life will eventually become impossible.
So...suppose you somehow manage to find a way toi live forever, even out in dead space. You will NEVER die. But the rest of life WILL die. Even if it takes a quadrillion years for all life to become physically impossible in the entire universe, that still leaves YOU to spend the rest of eternity alone in a black and cold void. A void in which you cannot have sex.
Here's the thing...eventually, you will have lived so long past your time with humans that your time with humans will become a very distant and far-off memory that you don't even believe ever happened. At some point, humanity will be so very far into the past that you no longer believe that humanity ever existed. You may still go to sleep and DREAM about the humans that you had sex with. But at some point, the dreams will become ONLY dreams. You will accept the dreams, and eventually start forgetting and denying the underlying reality behind them. So you dream about having sex for the next few trillion years and are puzzled by these strange dreams. A few trillion years later, the dreams start to fade, and then you eventually stop having these dreams entirely. Eventually you have no memory of human interaction, and even your DREAMS of having once lived among other humans disappear entirely. But still there is you. Floating along forever, in a cold and utterly black void for the rest of eternity. No memories, no dreams, just an intelligent mind spending eternity in an absence of anything to think about.
The problem is not immortality without sex. The problem is immortality. Death is a GIFT, and those who cannot die would be truly cursed.
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