I don't see how a relationship between people of two different religious beliefs can become serious without having some severe flaws. I consider religion an important issue because it permeates society, how it can very much contribute to who a person is, and, in some people's minds, it can affect what happens to them after they die. People who profess a religion but don't take it seriously probably don't take life seriously as a result. While you can say that religion is a private issue, it's important to note that intimate couples share their most private parts of their lives together. Now, you may say that not all people are alike, but they shouldn't differ on such a vital issue like religion. Religion should be something that couples share or avoid together and with their children if they decide to have any.
Being that I am nonreligious, I would not ideally want to date a religious woman because I would be reprioritizing my religious beliefs to make room for love, which can have devastating consequences to my morale and my religious beliefs. I also feel that worship is a service for the entire family to participate in and having her date me would require her to betray her religious beliefs. Now, I would open to dating a religious woman for the experience as long, but if there are flaws that show up that can't be worked out, then the relationship is through. Ideally, the person who I would date and eventually marry would be a nonreligious, nonspiritual naturalist like me. However, I'm fine with a nonreligious, nonspiritual freethinker. It's okay if she believes in God as long as she's not spiritual, religious, or mystical about it.
Now, I have considered the possibility that people can change and if my wife adopts a religion after we're married, I'm not sure if I would divorce her. I'm seriously contemplating that possibility, but I wouldn't really know unless the situation actually happened to me. I would probably love her less though even if I did stayed with her. Gosh, that sounds like a good reason to get a divorce now that I think about it.
Anyway, would you consider dating a person with religious beliefs? Why or why not? Would you marry her if it was possible you felt that such a commitment was appropriate? If you wouldn't marry a person with different religious, if your wife changed religions or adopted one, would you stay together and if you would, would you love her more, less, or the same? If you're alreay married, answer these questions as though you were actively single unless your experience with your spouse is pertinent to your answer.
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