The term deep is fairly subjective actually, but in general terms, do you think too much? Do you feel too much? Have you been told "to not carry the weight of the world on your shoulders?" Or are you fairly happy-go-lucky, where the world's issues, family/friends' issues, and your own issues don't really bring you down? Or perhaps somewhere in the middle of both?
I'd say I'm very deep, and though I have a sense of humor, I am known for being a bit of a downer and I've been told that I think way too much. I have insomnia because I think too much in fact. :P
(Ironically, I have three options that will each give similar results. :P)
All I can say is this...I try to be "deep" enough to constantly be aware of how shallow I am.
Deep? Shallow? I've known both kinds of people, and loved/respected/admired them greatly. What's a bigger turnoff for me, are people who think that they're hot **** who are doing the world a favor by simply being alive. Basically, fatheaded people who think they're better than everyone else. Those people might ACTUALLY be better than everyone else, or not. That doesn't concern me. What concerns me is that, regardless of whether or not it's true, they're ACTING like it's true. And...that's about the most annoying ****ing thing I've ever had to put up with.
And the wisest thing that Eddie Vedder ever said was this..."if you hate sooooooomething, don't you do it too." Seeing as how I absolutely hate when people act like that, I try not to act like that. I mean, if people who act like that piss me off, then why would I try to be like them?
Bottom line, even the stupidest of us sometimes do smart things and have deep thoughts, and even the deepest and smartest of us sometimes act like the most shallow person on the planet. Do those things apply to me? Absolutely. Sometimes I'm deep, sometimes I'm shallow. That doesn't concern me in the least. However, I am concerned with trying not to get a fat head and then thinking like I'm special and uniquely entitled. I don't care if I'm deep or shallow, I just try not to be a jerk (and even then, I often still fail at such a simple task).
Am I deep or shallow? Don't know, don't care.
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